9 Pitfalls To Avoid In Your Christian Business Opportunity part 3
This is the conclusion of indentifying the 9 pitfalls that people fail to avoid in their Christian business opportunity. As you can tell by now it is all about mastering ourselves. We can not expect to control outside circumstances if we can't control ourselves.
Pitfall # 7
An uncontrolled desire for something for nothing is the same of a lottery mentality. Now most Christian business owners think they don't have a problem with this. I will go out on a limb and say that a big reason why most get scammed is because of this desire.
Since most people do not want to take responsibility for their own actions then the word scam is thrown around loosely.
The notion that one can become rich in 3 months is extremely appealing. But we have to control that desire or else it will control us. A great percentage of the time signs are there showing what is and what is not a scam. Understand that the love on money (what I call quick riches) is a root of all kinds of evil.
Pitfall # 8
Lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity. In order to do something great you have to be great. Unfortanetly so many Christian business opportunities fail because the owners are not willing to stretch themselves. If we stay in our comfort zones we will never grow.
Think of a rubberband. The reason that rubberbands are successful is because they stretch. The same with humans especially those that stepped outside of the norm and decided to start a business. We can not and will not make an impact on others lives unless we ourselves are stretched beyond our comfort zones.
The promised land is there waiting for you to take control of it. Don't settle for wandering in the wilderness.
Pitfall # 9
The last pitfall is the lack of enthusiasm. You honestly can't expect to sell yourself to anyone if you are dull. No one does business with or joins you in your Christian business opportunity because of the company.
They look at you and join you or do business with you because of you.
If you are boring, not full of energy, or excited, how can you expect others to be? However enthusiasm is extremely contagious. I will take an enthusiastic person in business any day over one that is boring and knowledgeable. Enthusiasm sells.
Now that you know 9 pitfalls to avoid make it an all out effort to master yourself. As mentioned earlier most people fail in their Christian business opportunities because they can not master themselves. Life will only give you what you work for in life not what you want.
Pitfall # 7
An uncontrolled desire for something for nothing is the same of a lottery mentality. Now most Christian business owners think they don't have a problem with this. I will go out on a limb and say that a big reason why most get scammed is because of this desire.
Since most people do not want to take responsibility for their own actions then the word scam is thrown around loosely.
The notion that one can become rich in 3 months is extremely appealing. But we have to control that desire or else it will control us. A great percentage of the time signs are there showing what is and what is not a scam. Understand that the love on money (what I call quick riches) is a root of all kinds of evil.
Pitfall # 8
Lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity. In order to do something great you have to be great. Unfortanetly so many Christian business opportunities fail because the owners are not willing to stretch themselves. If we stay in our comfort zones we will never grow.
Think of a rubberband. The reason that rubberbands are successful is because they stretch. The same with humans especially those that stepped outside of the norm and decided to start a business. We can not and will not make an impact on others lives unless we ourselves are stretched beyond our comfort zones.
The promised land is there waiting for you to take control of it. Don't settle for wandering in the wilderness.
Pitfall # 9
The last pitfall is the lack of enthusiasm. You honestly can't expect to sell yourself to anyone if you are dull. No one does business with or joins you in your Christian business opportunity because of the company.
They look at you and join you or do business with you because of you.
If you are boring, not full of energy, or excited, how can you expect others to be? However enthusiasm is extremely contagious. I will take an enthusiastic person in business any day over one that is boring and knowledgeable. Enthusiasm sells.
Now that you know 9 pitfalls to avoid make it an all out effort to master yourself. As mentioned earlier most people fail in their Christian business opportunities because they can not master themselves. Life will only give you what you work for in life not what you want.