Yeast Infection of Mouth Symptoms
- One of the most obvious symptoms for a yeast infection of the mouth will be the development of sores. These sores will generally be raised with an almost white, bumpy appearance. You will typically find them isolated to the tongue and cheeks.
- Sometimes these sores will also begin to cause a fair amount of pain. This may be accompanied by some bleeding when the sores break open, but the two symptoms aren't always connected.
- Since this infection is affecting the health of the mouth, including the tongue and sometimes esophagus, many people suffering from an oral yeast infection will also have a certain amount of difficulty swallowing both food and drink.
- As the infection progresses down the esophagus, there may be a feeling like an impasse in the throat; it will seem as if something got caught mid-swallow.
- When the infection is not treated and spreads to other areas of the body, a moderate fever may result.
Pain and Bleeding
Difficulty Swallowing