A rare UFO case from Sweden
There are a number of alleged cases of UFOs landing or crashing on Earth; below is one of them. The event occurred in Enebacken, Sweden in 1970. This is only the second article we have coming from Sweden; the first being the 1999 Crash, which falls mostly in the 'folklore' category.
Enebacken, Sweden - August 29-30, 1970
The 1970 Lake Anten, Sweden craft landing case is one of the more interesting CE2 incidents on record, even though there is only one report available about the case.
The radiation evidence is intriguing and to tends to favor the real possibility that something actually did land. We, GICOFF, became aware of it on Wednesday, September 2, and, the day after, four of us went up to the place. First we talked to an inspector at the police station in Alingsas, the neighboring town. He told us the occurrence had not really interested them.
They had reported it to the military authorities, but they did not seem to be interested either. We then went to the place where it had happened, a little farm or rather a croft called Enebacken. On arriving at the croft we found another car standing there. The owner of the house, Mr. RichardJohansson, 81 years old, was being visited by his daughter and a friend of hers. She came out to meet us and showed us a corner of the garden about 25 meters from the house.
Three Burn Marks
"There they are," she said— something she had probably done several times, because we soon learned that a lot of people from around about had been there.
We went to the corner as directed and saw three burned marks that had been reported in the newspapers. We took a lot of photographs, we measured the marks and the surroundings and we took a couple of earth samples, one from the marks and one from a place 4 meters away (more about this later).
Mr. Johansson, 81, told us: "I did not see or hear anything. You see I went to bed at 9.00 p.m., but my room is on the opposite side of the house. I am not particularly bothered about the incident, but it has been amusing to see people around this place. Whoever landed there has taken care not to destroy anything."
Several Witnesses Speak Out
Then we had to find witnesses to the light observed above Enebacken. This is how the Karlssons at a nearby farm described it: Mr. E. Karlsson:
"I was going to go to bed—it was just before midnight—when I saw that the cars on the road were stopping and putting out their lights. Then the boy came running in saying something red in colour was seen above Enebacken, about 500 meters away. I went out to have a look, and caught sight of a strong red light. It went to and fro above the forest." Mrs. I. Karlsson: "Just when I saw it I heard a sound from it."
Mr. Karlsson agreed: "That was what puzzled me most. First I thought it was an aircraft, but then I realized it could not be that. It behaved so strangely, and not only that, it was round and bright and very red. It went both up and down and to and fro above Enebacken. Sometimes it disappeared below the treetops only to reappear after a while.
The speed varied, sometimes it glided slowly only to accelerate very fast. Once it was almost down at the meadow in front of the forest only 200 meters away. Then I saw some beams of light coming from it. They were yellow-white in color and seemed to come from the side of the red sphere, which had the size of about half the moon."
End of Part 1