Common and Rare Side Effects for Promethazine VC-Codeine oral
Common and Rare Side Effects for Promethazine VC-Codeine oral
List Promethazine VC-Codeine side effects by likelihood and severity.
The following side effects are associated with Promethazine VC-Codeine:
Common side effects of Promethazine VC-Codeine:
- Abnormally Low Blood PressureLess Severe
- An Increase in the Thickness of Lung SecretionsLess Severe
- Blurred VisionLess Severe
- ConfusedLess Severe
- DizzyLess Severe
- DrowsinessLess Severe
- Dry MouthLess Severe
- Easily Angered or AnnoyedLess Severe
- Fast HeartbeatLess Severe
- Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel MovementsLess Severe
- Inducing of a Relaxed Easy StateLess Severe
- NervousLess Severe
- NightmaresLess Severe
- Over ExcitementLess Severe
- Problems with EyesightLess Severe
- RashLess Severe
- Ringing in the EarsLess Severe
- Stomach CrampsLess Severe
- Sun-Sensitive SkinLess Severe
Infrequent side effects of Promethazine VC-Codeine:
- Abnormal Nervous System Function Affecting Mental AlertnessSevere
- Collapsed Portion of LungSevere
- ItchingSevere
- Reaction due to an AllergySevere
- Trouble BreathingSevere
- Excessive SweatingLess Severe
- False Sense of Well-BeingLess Severe
- Feeling FaintLess Severe
- Feeling Unhappy or UnwellLess Severe
- Feeling WeakLess Severe
- Head PainLess Severe
- Heart Throbbing or PoundingLess Severe
- Kidney Problems Causing a Decreased Amount of Urine to be PassedLess Severe
- Spasm of the Ureter or Tube Connecting Kidney to BladderLess Severe
- Stuffy NoseLess Severe
Rare side effects of Promethazine VC-Codeine:
- Abnormal Heart RhythmSevere
- AsthmaSevere
- Blocked Bowels with No MovementSevere
- Decreased Blood PlateletsSevere
- Decreased White Blood CellsSevere
- Deficiency of Granulocytes a Type of White Blood CellSevere
- DeliriumSevere
- Extrapyramidal ReactionSevere
- Giant HivesSevere
- HallucinationSevere
- High Blood PressureSevere
- HivesSevere
- Loss of Skin ColorSevere
- Lower Seizure ThresholdSevere
- Neuroleptic Malignant SyndromeSevere
- PancreatitisSevere
- Periods of Not BreathingSevere
- SeizuresSevere
- Significant Decrease in Lung FunctionSevere
- Slow HeartbeatSevere
- Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic PurpuraSevere
- Yellowing of Skin or Eyes from Bile Flow ProblemsSevere
- Yellowing of Skin or Eyes from Liver ProblemsSevere
- AnxiousLess Severe
- Chronic Trouble SleepingLess Severe
- DiarrheaLess Severe
- Difficult or Painful UrinationLess Severe
- Extreme Sense of Well BeingLess Severe
- Feel Like Throwing UpLess Severe
- Involuntary QuiveringLess Severe
- Irritation of the Stomach or IntestinesLess Severe
- Loss of AppetiteLess Severe
- Low EnergyLess Severe
- Spasm of a Bile Duct TractLess Severe
- Temporary Redness of Face and NeckLess Severe
- Throwing UpLess Severe
- UncoordinatedLess Severe