How to Use ReadyBoost With a Slow Flash Drive
- 1). Insert the flash device that you would like to use for ReadyBoost. Open the Start menu, and click "Computer" to see the icon for the device.
- 2). Right-click the icon for the flash device, and then click "Properties."
- 3). Click the "ReadyBoost" tab at the top of the window. Clear the check from the "Stop retesting this device when I plug it in" box, and then click "OK." Remove the flash device.
- 4). Open the Start menu again. Type "regedit" in the "Search programs and files" box at the bottom, and then press "Enter" to run the Registry Editor.
- 5). Double-click the folders "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE," "SOFTWARE," "Microsoft," "Windows NT," "CurrentVersion." and "EMDMgmt."
- 6). Locate and click the folder for your flash memory device under "EMDMgmt." In most cases, you can determine the correct folder because it contains the name of the device's manufacturer.
- 7). Double-click the registry entry "DeviceStatus" on the right side of the window. Change the number under "Value Data" to "2" and click "OK."
- 8). Double-click "ReadSpeedKBs" on the right side of the window. Change the value to "10000000" and click "OK." Repeat this process with the "WriteSpeedKBs" registry entry and close the Registry Editor.
- 9). Reinsert the flash memory device, and return to the "Computer" window. Right-click the icon for the flash memory device, and then click "Properties."
- 10
Click the "ReadyBoost" tab. Windows now displays an option to enable ReadyBoost on the device.