Decorating Your Home For the Spring
Spring is a time for renewal, or the birth of some new idea or plan.
It is the time of year when people from all over the country begin to shake off the winter blues,
and start to prepare for summertime fun, picnics and activities.
We open our windows after being closed for a couple of months and
rather than put our clothes in the dryer, we hang our laundry out on the clothesline outside.
It is this time of year, when many people chose to do a lot of spring cleaning!
It is also a time for new interior/home decor.
Sadly there are few times of the year when it is appropriate to decorate your home.
For most of us, during this time of year, we feel uplifted and happy about cleaning.
During the summer months we clean because the children are always tracking dirt, mud, grass
and bits of food throughout the house.
It is more or less a chore and the rising temperatures make it even more of a chore.
There is yet even more cleaning to consider when there is so much more of a double demand
for refreshments, such as water, lemonade or iced tea, which is being consumed on an ongoing daily basis.
We still manage to clean and decorate our homes and take a lot of pride in our works.
We clean during thanksgiving, christmas, and winter months because we do not have much of a choice.
Friends and family come over and expect cleaniness and festive decor.
This can be quite an achievement with the rush and excitement of the approaching holidays.
Somehow, we still manage to muster up holiday cheer.
We quickly change to Miss/Mr Scrooge when it is time to sweep and mop the floors!
At any rate, spring is the time of year when our cleaning efforts seem to be more or less inspiring.
At one point, maybe we all become too tired from all of our cleaning efforts to seek the inspiration
or time to decorate.
If this is your situation, then here are some ideas and suggestions that
I would like to share with you, hoping to help out with your decorating inspiration!
Spring is a time for flowers, use fresh cut flowers and scented candles to create
beautiful arrangements and centerpieces all through your home.
Candles really deserve their own spot, to say the least.
Scented candles can be soothing, relaxing, invigorating, beautiful and elegant.
They just simply smell so good.
No matter what time of the year it is, candles can be utilized as great decor and table centerpieces.
However, if you select candles with bright spring colors and fragrances,
you will be surprised and amazed at how uplifting these candles can be.
Yes, that is towels.
Use them in your kitchen and bathroom when you need bright, bold colors that allude to spring,
renewal and birth.
You will find that these little touches can make a huge difference not only in your attitude
about cleaning and decorating, but also your attitude towards cooking!
Most of us do not realize that fragrances we use in our homes is a type of decoration.
It is invigorating to our sense of smell.
Potpourri and candles are decorations within themselves.
Place bowls of bright colored, scented fragrance balls, dried fruit, and other delights
throughout your house.
Potpourri can be found in any kind of gift and fragrance shops.
It is a very inexpensive way to add fragrance to your home decorating decor.
5) Fruit:
Place bowls of fruit around your home.
Not only is this another type of fragrance to your home,
but it is also visually appealing, healthy and edible.
Just consider the fact that the fruit needs to be eaten before it becomes to ripe.
For those needing some spring decorating tips or ideas, I hope these suggestions help.
It is the time of year when people from all over the country begin to shake off the winter blues,
and start to prepare for summertime fun, picnics and activities.
We open our windows after being closed for a couple of months and
rather than put our clothes in the dryer, we hang our laundry out on the clothesline outside.
It is this time of year, when many people chose to do a lot of spring cleaning!
It is also a time for new interior/home decor.
Sadly there are few times of the year when it is appropriate to decorate your home.
For most of us, during this time of year, we feel uplifted and happy about cleaning.
During the summer months we clean because the children are always tracking dirt, mud, grass
and bits of food throughout the house.
It is more or less a chore and the rising temperatures make it even more of a chore.
There is yet even more cleaning to consider when there is so much more of a double demand
for refreshments, such as water, lemonade or iced tea, which is being consumed on an ongoing daily basis.
We still manage to clean and decorate our homes and take a lot of pride in our works.
We clean during thanksgiving, christmas, and winter months because we do not have much of a choice.
Friends and family come over and expect cleaniness and festive decor.
This can be quite an achievement with the rush and excitement of the approaching holidays.
Somehow, we still manage to muster up holiday cheer.
We quickly change to Miss/Mr Scrooge when it is time to sweep and mop the floors!
At any rate, spring is the time of year when our cleaning efforts seem to be more or less inspiring.
At one point, maybe we all become too tired from all of our cleaning efforts to seek the inspiration
or time to decorate.
If this is your situation, then here are some ideas and suggestions that
I would like to share with you, hoping to help out with your decorating inspiration!
Spring is a time for flowers, use fresh cut flowers and scented candles to create
beautiful arrangements and centerpieces all through your home.
Candles really deserve their own spot, to say the least.
Scented candles can be soothing, relaxing, invigorating, beautiful and elegant.
They just simply smell so good.
No matter what time of the year it is, candles can be utilized as great decor and table centerpieces.
However, if you select candles with bright spring colors and fragrances,
you will be surprised and amazed at how uplifting these candles can be.
Yes, that is towels.
Use them in your kitchen and bathroom when you need bright, bold colors that allude to spring,
renewal and birth.
You will find that these little touches can make a huge difference not only in your attitude
about cleaning and decorating, but also your attitude towards cooking!
Most of us do not realize that fragrances we use in our homes is a type of decoration.
It is invigorating to our sense of smell.
Potpourri and candles are decorations within themselves.
Place bowls of bright colored, scented fragrance balls, dried fruit, and other delights
throughout your house.
Potpourri can be found in any kind of gift and fragrance shops.
It is a very inexpensive way to add fragrance to your home decorating decor.
5) Fruit:
Place bowls of fruit around your home.
Not only is this another type of fragrance to your home,
but it is also visually appealing, healthy and edible.
Just consider the fact that the fruit needs to be eaten before it becomes to ripe.
For those needing some spring decorating tips or ideas, I hope these suggestions help.