How to Stop Being Jealous Of Your Friends
- 1). Ignore the things that your friends have. Never stop to think about how much they have that you don't. If you even think that something they have will make you jealous, don't talk about it or even let it enter your mind. If you aren't thinking about it, then you cannot be jealous.
- 2). Try to be genuinely happy for the things your friends DO have. Don't say to yourself "Why do they get to have that? They don't deserve it! I DO!" Say this instead "That is nice. I'm glad my friend can have that." Try to flip the situation around and feel happy for your friends instead of jealous.
- 3). To truly end jealousy, you need to be satisfied and happy with what you DO have in life. Make a list of all the things that you have or the people in your life that make you feel lucky. Then be grateful for each and every one of those things. Tell yourself that you have everything that your life needs. You might even find that the friends your were jealous of end up on that list of things to be thankful for.