Building Muscle - You Need to Train, Eat and Rest
Everybody these days wants to know the secret to building muscle.
Everybody wants a great body whether for cosmetic reasons, or for health reasons.
It's not easy to get the body you have always wanted but with hard work, dedication and strength it is not too far away.
There is no secret to building muscle but you must know 3 things in order to achieve your goals.
You need to Train, Eat and Rest! Here are some tips for you, to analyze so you can see where you're going wrong.
Train o Use a weight you can handle o Use proper form o Rest between sets o Use a 6-12 rep range in each set o Try and do 4 sets for each exercise o Hydrate your body with fluids through the training session o Train until failure, until you can't lift anymore Eat o Eat lots of protein before and after training to repair your muscles o Eat carbohydrates before and after also as they are your main energy source and your fuel o Watch the foods you eat.
Avoid takeaway and simple carbohydrates, stick to the good stuff o Consume 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 2 big ones.
This will speed up your metabolism o Your total daily calorie intake should consist of 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 15% fats o Bodybuilding supplements are your friend.
If you can't consume enough during the day supplement your food with a protein shake.
Protein shakes go into your system a lot quicker then whole foods Rest o Muscles need around 48 hours of rest to fully recover.
Do not train the same muscle within this time period otherwise you're not going to grow o Around 8 hours of sleep is needed at night.
Your body is recovering when you sleep so adequate sleep is a must.
o Don't over train your muscles it's the worst thing you can do.
Your body is like a car you cant thrash it too much or it will burn out These are the major pointers that any bodybuilder, fitness freak or newbie should know in order for building muscle.
Start following this plan and you can actually watch yourself grow.
I wasted 2 years of training by only lifting weights and not eating and resting
Everybody wants a great body whether for cosmetic reasons, or for health reasons.
It's not easy to get the body you have always wanted but with hard work, dedication and strength it is not too far away.
There is no secret to building muscle but you must know 3 things in order to achieve your goals.
You need to Train, Eat and Rest! Here are some tips for you, to analyze so you can see where you're going wrong.
Train o Use a weight you can handle o Use proper form o Rest between sets o Use a 6-12 rep range in each set o Try and do 4 sets for each exercise o Hydrate your body with fluids through the training session o Train until failure, until you can't lift anymore Eat o Eat lots of protein before and after training to repair your muscles o Eat carbohydrates before and after also as they are your main energy source and your fuel o Watch the foods you eat.
Avoid takeaway and simple carbohydrates, stick to the good stuff o Consume 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 2 big ones.
This will speed up your metabolism o Your total daily calorie intake should consist of 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 15% fats o Bodybuilding supplements are your friend.
If you can't consume enough during the day supplement your food with a protein shake.
Protein shakes go into your system a lot quicker then whole foods Rest o Muscles need around 48 hours of rest to fully recover.
Do not train the same muscle within this time period otherwise you're not going to grow o Around 8 hours of sleep is needed at night.
Your body is recovering when you sleep so adequate sleep is a must.
o Don't over train your muscles it's the worst thing you can do.
Your body is like a car you cant thrash it too much or it will burn out These are the major pointers that any bodybuilder, fitness freak or newbie should know in order for building muscle.
Start following this plan and you can actually watch yourself grow.
I wasted 2 years of training by only lifting weights and not eating and resting