Options for Facebook Page Categories
- When you first begin the creation of your Facebook page, the site offers overall categories. The categories are: "Local Business or Place"; "Company, Organization or Institution"; "Brand or Product"; "Artist, Band or Public Figure"; "Entertainment" and "Cause or Community." Choose the category that best describes the entity for which you are creating a page, even it if is not a perfect match -- the subcategories will allow you to narrow down the purpose of your page.
- Subcategories are different for each major category, but they serve the same purpose -- to clarify the exact nature of the person or organization you are promoting. For example, subcategories under the "Brand or Product" category include "Clothing," "Furniture" and "Pet Supplies." Choosing the most relevant subcategory will help potential fans locate you on Facebook.
- Each category has different information fields attached to it. Information fields are the specific details associated with the entity your page is built for, such as the physical address of a local business. If you are creating a page for a celebrity author, the site offers fields for her favorite books and awards she has won. Information fields for broader pages, such as for a social cause, offer fewer fields.
- The administrator of a page is allowed to change is category, even after people have chosen to "Like" the page. When you change your page's category, you will gain access to the new information fields associated with that category; however, you will lose the information fields that belonged to the old category if the new category does not include them. Category changes take effect immediately.
Major Categories
Information Fields
Changing Categories