Wrongful Death Compensation Helps Victims Recover
Losing a loved one is always an emotionally trying time. These emotions can be heightened if the individual that passed away was killed as a result of the negligence of another person. To partially make up for the loss of a family member, individuals that file for a wrongful death lawsuit are able to obtain compensation to cover a variety of different expenses. Most importantly, those families can seek justice for their loss.
What Wrongful Death Compensation Covers
Wrongful death compensation is designed to lessen the financial impact that family members experience after the death of their loved one. Funerals can be expensive events. If a family is unprepared for the death of their loved one, not being able to cover these expenses can be heartbreaking. Compensation for wrongful death usually covers the costs of the funeral as well as any medical expenses for treating the injuries or illness of the individual that passed away.
Many families plan on the retirement or pension that their loved one would have earned to take care of them after retirement. When a person passes away, the promise of these funds is often threatened. Wrongful death damages can cover these lost funds so that a family does not have to live in uncertainty about their financial situation. In addition to covering the costs of the funeral, medical expenses, and retirement funds, wrongful death compensation also compensates for the emotional loss of a spouse or family member, lost wages, and punitive damages, if the wrongful conduct that caused the death was especially egregious.
Calculating Damages
Since it is difficult to know how much a person would have made over the course of their lifetime or how to compensate for emotional suffering, calculating wrongful death damages can be a complicated process that relies on several factors. These may include:
What Wrongful Death Compensation Covers
Wrongful death compensation is designed to lessen the financial impact that family members experience after the death of their loved one. Funerals can be expensive events. If a family is unprepared for the death of their loved one, not being able to cover these expenses can be heartbreaking. Compensation for wrongful death usually covers the costs of the funeral as well as any medical expenses for treating the injuries or illness of the individual that passed away.
Many families plan on the retirement or pension that their loved one would have earned to take care of them after retirement. When a person passes away, the promise of these funds is often threatened. Wrongful death damages can cover these lost funds so that a family does not have to live in uncertainty about their financial situation. In addition to covering the costs of the funeral, medical expenses, and retirement funds, wrongful death compensation also compensates for the emotional loss of a spouse or family member, lost wages, and punitive damages, if the wrongful conduct that caused the death was especially egregious.
Calculating Damages
Since it is difficult to know how much a person would have made over the course of their lifetime or how to compensate for emotional suffering, calculating wrongful death damages can be a complicated process that relies on several factors. These may include:
- How financially dependent the person filing the claim was on the deceased individual
- The relationship between the deceased person and the individual filing the case
- How long the deceased person was expected to live
- How much the deceased individual was expected to earn over the course of his or her remaining life
- Determining if there was any comparative fault in the accident
While determining how much compensation the family or loved one is entitled to after a wrongful death is complicated, the ultimate goal is to provide financial relief and a sense of justice for family members. These funds can make a positive impact on how the family copes with the death of their loved one. If your spouse, child, or another member of your family was wrongfully killed as a result of someone else's negligent or reckless behavior, consult with an attorney to determine the types of wrongful death compensation you may be entitled to.