How to Properly Care for Bromiled Plants
- 1). Plant the bromeliad in a container filled with commercial potting soil or a mixture of half commercial potting soil and half orchid potting soil. Use a sturdy container as many bromeliads can be top heavy at maturity. Be sure the container has at least one hole in the bottom, as bromeliads require good drainage.
- 2). Place the plant in bright sunlight. If necessary, supplement low light using a grow light.
- 3). Water bromeliads by filling the cup-shaped reservoir in the center of the rosettes. Check the cup twice every week, and keep the cup fairly full. If your bromeliad is a variety that has no cup, water the potting soil when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. Water bromeliads with bottled water as a build-up of salts in tap water can eventually damage the plants.
- 4). Place the bromeliad on a humidity tray to increase the humidity around the plant. To make a humidity tray, fill a tray with about an inch of wet pebbles. Place the bromeliad's pot on the gravel. Keep the pebbles constantly wet; however, do not allow the water level to become high enough to touch the bottom of the pot. The plant will also benefit from an occasional misting during warm, dry weather.
- 5). Keep bromeliads in a warm room with daytime temperatures of approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures roughly 10 to 15 degrees cooler.
- 6). Fertilize bromeliads every three to four weeks, using a water-soluble fertilizer for indoor plants. Mix a weak solution, or half the suggested strength listed on the package, then pour the solution directly into the bromeliad's cup-shaped reservoir.