How to Make an Herbal Insect Repellant
- 1). Choose herbs known to repel insects. Mint, eucalyptus, penny royal leaves and sage are known for keeping insects away. Essential oils like spearmint, peppermint, lavender and cedar are also known for keeping bugs away. Citronella oil works well, too, and is easy to make on your own using a few lemon, orange and/or grapefruit peels.
- 2). Combine the herbs and citrus peels to make spritz. Boil them in a pan of hot water as if making a strong tea. Remove the ingredients from the stove, cover the pan and let it soak overnight. The next morning strain the contents of the pan and mix the herbal tea concoction with equal amounts of rubbing alcohol or witch hazel. Spritz yourself completely before going outdoors and every couple of hours after.
- 3). Create a repellant oil using herbs and citrus peels. Place the citrus peels and sage leaves into a sterilized jar. Heat olive oil until it reaches 160 degrees F in a pan. Once the oil reaches optimum temperature, pour the oil into the jar over the herbal ingredients. Close the top over the jar and place it in a dark place from 1 week to a month; the longer the better. This repellant is less likely to sweat away when you are active outdoors.
- 4). Make an herbal repellant for your dog. Take citrus peels and sage and boil them in a pan of water. Let it cool and pour the mixture over your dog after a bath, making sure to massage it into the coat and skin well. Not only will your pooch have a fresh citrus sent, it will kill fleas from bothering your pet.
- 5). Use a homemade spray made from pure lavender oil to keep mosquitoes away from both you and your dog. Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with water in a spray bottle and spritz it on you and your dog. You'll both smell wonderful, and those pesky mosquitoes will leave you alone.