Tips on How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection
Nearly each and every female will get to encounter occurrence of yeast in the vagina at a certain point in her life. Apparently, it is pretty normal to see a little yeast down there as they can still be called good bacteria which targets to boost the health of your vagina. However, when there is overgrowth of the fungi due to several reasons including pregnancy, diabetes and too much sugar intake, and antibiotic treatment thus destroying the so called good bacteria, then you may end up suffering from yeast infection.
What is a Yeast Infection?
Likewise known as Candidiasis, it is an infection brought about by a cluster of tiny yeast or fungi where there is more than twenty specie of the causative agent - Candida. The most common infection though is brought about by Candida albicans.
Contrary to what others know, the infection doesn't just occur in the vaginal area, but it can be developed on the oral cavity such as in the dentures and the tongue. It can also be found in the beds of your nails, creases and folds of the skin, lower abdomen, under the breast, and even the penis of a man. But generally, this is a common occurrence in women especially those with advancing age.
Signs and Symptoms of Candidiasis
Uncommon itching
Cottage cheese like discharge
Painful urination
Soreness in the vaginal area
Hot to touch or burning sensation in the region
Treatment of Yeast Infection
Because these signs and symptoms may possibly be indicators of some other genital problems, like bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it is pretty important that you get in touch with your physician or health care provider instantly to prevent unwanted complications such as urinary tract infection (UTI). Once you've checked the diagnosis with your doctor, self-help treatment may be done in order to provide relief from the signs and symptoms. Prevention tips such as limiting intake of sugar which can aggravate the problem may be practiced as well.
For more information on how to go about getting rid of the problem, you may want to read more on How to Treat Yeast Infection plus a lot more health related articles on Health Care Tips.
What is a Yeast Infection?
Likewise known as Candidiasis, it is an infection brought about by a cluster of tiny yeast or fungi where there is more than twenty specie of the causative agent - Candida. The most common infection though is brought about by Candida albicans.
Contrary to what others know, the infection doesn't just occur in the vaginal area, but it can be developed on the oral cavity such as in the dentures and the tongue. It can also be found in the beds of your nails, creases and folds of the skin, lower abdomen, under the breast, and even the penis of a man. But generally, this is a common occurrence in women especially those with advancing age.
Signs and Symptoms of Candidiasis
Uncommon itching
Cottage cheese like discharge
Painful urination
Soreness in the vaginal area
Hot to touch or burning sensation in the region
Treatment of Yeast Infection
Because these signs and symptoms may possibly be indicators of some other genital problems, like bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it is pretty important that you get in touch with your physician or health care provider instantly to prevent unwanted complications such as urinary tract infection (UTI). Once you've checked the diagnosis with your doctor, self-help treatment may be done in order to provide relief from the signs and symptoms. Prevention tips such as limiting intake of sugar which can aggravate the problem may be practiced as well.
For more information on how to go about getting rid of the problem, you may want to read more on How to Treat Yeast Infection plus a lot more health related articles on Health Care Tips.