How Professional Counseling Can Help You Quit Smoking
What will stop you from smoking a cigarette; afraid of getting lung cancer or emphysema? Decision to quit smoking is never an easy one, but what is even more difficult is actually following through with it. Some people say that quitting is a simple matter of willpower or lack thereof, but it is more than that. Cigarette smoking is an addiction; and like any other addiction there are both physical and psychological characteristics attached to it. Most successful quit smoking treatments occur when the psychological part of the addiction is addressed and addiction is acknowledged.
If you want to stop your smoking habits, you need to examine yourself further. One needs to answer self imposed questions to induce ones consciousness into self realization about oneself. Some of these questions you should ask yourself are as follows:
- Why do I smoke?
- What exactly is the reason for my smoking habit?
- Can I be affected in a positive way or in a negative way?
- Why should I stop?
- Who will receive the most benefit if I quit smoking?
These questions are often used by psychologist to activate your thinking about the real scores behind your habit, and it is for you to answer it honestly and direct to the point - no joking around.
After self examining yourself through these questions; you may emerge with positive self reinforcement which really is what you will need to start your quit smoking treatment. Experts agree that this is the proper frame of mind to be in when looking for this kind of addiction treatments. This might be difficult at first, but most successful addiction treatments work when proper self examination is done, coupled with good professional counseling and self motivation.
There are various types of treatment plans. Some experts suggest that you should replace the cigarette with something similar in shape and size, like a pencil, to keep your fingers busy. It's your habit, and you must get rid of the key character, in this case the cigarette, and replace it with another thing.
In some cases, experts are recommending exchanging cigarettes with a candy or gum to stimulate your oral reflexes and slowly desensitize your craving of having a cigarette in your mouth. There are special candies that have a cigarette flavor and these are intended to re-direct your thoughts with the taste of your bad habit.
These are actually true, but for physical part of the addiction. Remember the old saying, if you tell me where you're going, I will show you how to get there? Well, trying to quit smoking is the same; but in reverse. You must face the facts about the emotional part of your nicotine addiction first, before you tackle the practical part of the treatment. You can hold pencil all you want; even in your sleep, and it won't do you any good until you first self examine and come to the realization that you need help.
However different forms your quit smoking treatment may come, and however you prefer to go about doing it; it is important that you do not lose focus and be unfaithful to your promise to stop your habit. It takes a lot of patience, but everything will pay off at the end.
If you want to stop your smoking habits, you need to examine yourself further. One needs to answer self imposed questions to induce ones consciousness into self realization about oneself. Some of these questions you should ask yourself are as follows:
- Why do I smoke?
- What exactly is the reason for my smoking habit?
- Can I be affected in a positive way or in a negative way?
- Why should I stop?
- Who will receive the most benefit if I quit smoking?
These questions are often used by psychologist to activate your thinking about the real scores behind your habit, and it is for you to answer it honestly and direct to the point - no joking around.
After self examining yourself through these questions; you may emerge with positive self reinforcement which really is what you will need to start your quit smoking treatment. Experts agree that this is the proper frame of mind to be in when looking for this kind of addiction treatments. This might be difficult at first, but most successful addiction treatments work when proper self examination is done, coupled with good professional counseling and self motivation.
There are various types of treatment plans. Some experts suggest that you should replace the cigarette with something similar in shape and size, like a pencil, to keep your fingers busy. It's your habit, and you must get rid of the key character, in this case the cigarette, and replace it with another thing.
In some cases, experts are recommending exchanging cigarettes with a candy or gum to stimulate your oral reflexes and slowly desensitize your craving of having a cigarette in your mouth. There are special candies that have a cigarette flavor and these are intended to re-direct your thoughts with the taste of your bad habit.
These are actually true, but for physical part of the addiction. Remember the old saying, if you tell me where you're going, I will show you how to get there? Well, trying to quit smoking is the same; but in reverse. You must face the facts about the emotional part of your nicotine addiction first, before you tackle the practical part of the treatment. You can hold pencil all you want; even in your sleep, and it won't do you any good until you first self examine and come to the realization that you need help.
However different forms your quit smoking treatment may come, and however you prefer to go about doing it; it is important that you do not lose focus and be unfaithful to your promise to stop your habit. It takes a lot of patience, but everything will pay off at the end.