Make Your Wife a Happy Mother by Caring For Her Early On
When pregnancy is initiated, a lot of physical changes happen in the woman's body. These changes are induced mainly by the hormonal variations that are quite natural to happen at this stage. These changes actually inflict the physical changes. Often, there is a manifestation of these in mental health too, with frequent mood swings. These early signs of pregnancy are good enough to make a woman and her partner aware of the changing body conditions:
Missed period
For those with regular menstrual cycle, a missed period is the first alarm bell, and must be followed by a pregnancy test. However, for those who keep skipping their cycles due to different clinical and hormonal reasons may not be so sure.
Sickness and tiredness
Falling tired very easily, loosing energy after short span of physical activity or feeling sick and nauseated frequently are good enough signs of pregnancy. Whenever these happen over 2-3 days, medical attention should be sought.
Constipation and frequent weeing
For those who do not have chronic constipation, such thing starting to happen suddenly is a reason enough to worry. The constriction of the rectal passage owing to developments during pregnancy can be a cause of this. Even frequent weeing can happen owing to similar reasons. Whenever these are happening abnormally, you may check once for pregnancy.
Cramps and aches
These can happen due to physical changes and internal developments which can cause certain muscles to go under stress. Many times, these are misunderstood as pre-menstrual symptoms and overlooked. But whenever such things happen along with a missed period, they should be taken more seriously and consulted medically.
Tender breasts
These are perhaps the most noted and convincing syndrome of early pregnancy. A woman knows her body better than anybody else. Whenever tendering of breasts happen that are associated with symptoms like heavier and fuller look with a light ache or tingling feeling, a woman must be sure of the changes and cause. These changes are initiated due to the start of development of mammary glands that become ready to lactate.
Changes in skin texture
The skin can also become drier and may develop spots like never before.
It is very important to notice these signs of pregnancy so that proper care of the baby and the child can be started early on. In case of neglect at these early days when care is of utmost importance, miscarriage may occur. It is thus very important to be aware of these symptoms for the parents-to-be, so that medical attention can be sought as soon as it is required. The care for the mother, like less physical exhaustion, less mental activity and tension and more of happy feelings through songs, music and love of the partner must happen immediately when the early signs of pregnancy are detected.
Missed period
For those with regular menstrual cycle, a missed period is the first alarm bell, and must be followed by a pregnancy test. However, for those who keep skipping their cycles due to different clinical and hormonal reasons may not be so sure.
Sickness and tiredness
Falling tired very easily, loosing energy after short span of physical activity or feeling sick and nauseated frequently are good enough signs of pregnancy. Whenever these happen over 2-3 days, medical attention should be sought.
Constipation and frequent weeing
For those who do not have chronic constipation, such thing starting to happen suddenly is a reason enough to worry. The constriction of the rectal passage owing to developments during pregnancy can be a cause of this. Even frequent weeing can happen owing to similar reasons. Whenever these are happening abnormally, you may check once for pregnancy.
Cramps and aches
These can happen due to physical changes and internal developments which can cause certain muscles to go under stress. Many times, these are misunderstood as pre-menstrual symptoms and overlooked. But whenever such things happen along with a missed period, they should be taken more seriously and consulted medically.
Tender breasts
These are perhaps the most noted and convincing syndrome of early pregnancy. A woman knows her body better than anybody else. Whenever tendering of breasts happen that are associated with symptoms like heavier and fuller look with a light ache or tingling feeling, a woman must be sure of the changes and cause. These changes are initiated due to the start of development of mammary glands that become ready to lactate.
Changes in skin texture
The skin can also become drier and may develop spots like never before.
It is very important to notice these signs of pregnancy so that proper care of the baby and the child can be started early on. In case of neglect at these early days when care is of utmost importance, miscarriage may occur. It is thus very important to be aware of these symptoms for the parents-to-be, so that medical attention can be sought as soon as it is required. The care for the mother, like less physical exhaustion, less mental activity and tension and more of happy feelings through songs, music and love of the partner must happen immediately when the early signs of pregnancy are detected.