Types of Ethical Systems
While ethics and religion are sometimes distinct fields, they are also brought together by the ways in which both determine what is right and what is wrong. For example, there are laws in society that state that rape, murder, assault and so forth are ethically wrong. A person's religion can give them deeper meaning behind these types of laws. Furthermore, they can cause a person to question if certain laws, abortion laws for example, should really fall under the category of ethics.
Medical Ethics
People in the field of medicine have specific ethics that they follow as well. Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals have rules as to how they must work with patients to maintain ethical relations. For example, the American Medical Association is an organization that works to promote ethical practices in the field. They worked to ensure that they research potential ethical issues, create just policies and educate those in the field about appropriate methods. Four principles help to guide medical ethics: non-maleficence (physicians should not make decisions that cause harm to the patients); beneficence (they have to make the decisions that are best for the patient); autonomy (respect for others and their decisions); and justice (blending ethical and legal principles).
Business Ethics
Again, a number of different categories fall under the field of business ethics. However, they generally focus not just on maintaining proper relationships within one's own business, but also with other businesses. The ethics systems concentrate on promoting fair business practices and avoiding any sorts of illegal methods of gaining advancement in the company's field. Furthermore, business ethics seeks to apply traditional principles of ethics, such as theories of justice, into the world of business.
Personal Ethics
People can develop their own set of ethics. They might draw from a variety of influences, such as religion, the workplace, their family and the school that they attend. Additionally, they might just focus on the most important principles in their lives, in terms of how they treat others and how they want to be treated. They should also seriously consider and think about the ways in which they can live out these ethical beliefs in their daily lives.