Types of Allergy Testing
Our immune system plays impotent role to keep our body safe from dangerous harms.
Allergy is response of our immune system, when the body dose not recognizes a foreign substance through air, orally or directly on the skin.
Fortunately many types and methods for allergy testing are available now days.
The Skin Pricks or Scratch Allergy Testing In skin tests allergy testing is done on the skin.
A small number of the substance suspected to cause of the allergy are contacted and provoke the allergy.
Skin test usually takes about 30 minutes and maximum one hour as the body reacts almost instantly for these kind of allergies, if any allergic reactions to the substance used.
This is a fast and sure way to find out if you are allergic to something that you suspect and not sure.
You can conduct this test with several other suspected substances at the same time to find the right culprit and a possible treatment as well.
Intradermal Allergy Testing Intradermal are same type of skin tests and are much used to diagnose allergy and to test cellular immunity.
An agent or pollen is inserted into the skin to test the reaction it provokes.
Several times these tests are much used to determine and diagnose allergic reaction.
RAST (radioallergosorbent test) Testing RAST stands for RadioAllergoSorbent Test; RAST is done on a sample of blood.
RAST (radioallergosorbent test) is used to check allergy sensitivity to specific substance.
These tests measure the level of allergic antibodies in the body or a specific type of antibodies known as IgE, IgE that are only present when an allergic reaction occurs.
These blood tests may not be as effective as skin testing and tend to be more expensive, but can be useful sometimes.
Helpful Tip Allergy testing can be tricky and complicated.
It can have several different testing methods and testing types.
You need to remember that food allergy can be very critical to handle and for it you should know the food items which were not allergic before.
Allergic reaction to an allergen in food can occur so people should have all the required information about it.
Allergy is response of our immune system, when the body dose not recognizes a foreign substance through air, orally or directly on the skin.
Fortunately many types and methods for allergy testing are available now days.
The Skin Pricks or Scratch Allergy Testing In skin tests allergy testing is done on the skin.
A small number of the substance suspected to cause of the allergy are contacted and provoke the allergy.
Skin test usually takes about 30 minutes and maximum one hour as the body reacts almost instantly for these kind of allergies, if any allergic reactions to the substance used.
This is a fast and sure way to find out if you are allergic to something that you suspect and not sure.
You can conduct this test with several other suspected substances at the same time to find the right culprit and a possible treatment as well.
Intradermal Allergy Testing Intradermal are same type of skin tests and are much used to diagnose allergy and to test cellular immunity.
An agent or pollen is inserted into the skin to test the reaction it provokes.
Several times these tests are much used to determine and diagnose allergic reaction.
RAST (radioallergosorbent test) Testing RAST stands for RadioAllergoSorbent Test; RAST is done on a sample of blood.
RAST (radioallergosorbent test) is used to check allergy sensitivity to specific substance.
These tests measure the level of allergic antibodies in the body or a specific type of antibodies known as IgE, IgE that are only present when an allergic reaction occurs.
These blood tests may not be as effective as skin testing and tend to be more expensive, but can be useful sometimes.
Helpful Tip Allergy testing can be tricky and complicated.
It can have several different testing methods and testing types.
You need to remember that food allergy can be very critical to handle and for it you should know the food items which were not allergic before.
Allergic reaction to an allergen in food can occur so people should have all the required information about it.