The Truth About Sinus Infection Home Remedies
Whenever anyone suggested using sinus infection home remedies to heal your sinus infection, two thoughts will pop into your mind.
Oh!! not one of those cranky Sinus Infection Home Remedies again.
Omigosh! Sinus Infection Home Remedies - where in the world am I going to find the time.
Please spare me! Relax and listen!! Do you know that healing your sinus infection with sinus infection home remedies is as old as humankind.
When you are down with a flu, your mother or grandmother would probably boil some delicious hot chicken soup for you.
Or, when I have constipation, my mother would buy me a basket of lettuce!! Fiber, she said.
Okay, enough of grandmother recipes, let me share with you that throughout history, scientists have been using herbs to produce new products and medicines every day as they are finding that many of the old herbal remedies have less side effects than prescribed drugs and encourages our body to balance its system.
Before the development of modern laboratory-manufactured drugs, almost all medicines were from natural herbal sources which explain why herbal sinus infection home remedies are so effective in healing your sinus infection.
As of today, it still is though most of us are unaware ..
Do you know that the aspirin which you pop without giving a thought to relieve your headache was originally made from the bark of the white willow tree.
Mint is an old favourite used extensively in gums, candies, toothpaste, mouthwashes, hair care and many others.
Thyme - it is found in toothpastes, mouth gargles and mouthwash products such as Listerine.
Another well know example is the foxglove plant, the modern cardiac drug Digitalis uses the leaves of the purple foxglove plant to treat heart disorders and is the cardiac stimulant digitalis to millions of heart patients who are being kept alive worldwide.
Ephedrine, the active ingredient from the herb Ephedra Sinica is used to treat asthma and other respiratory problems for years as it helps the patient to breathe easier.
John's Wort is widely used to treat mild depression without the need for Prozac as this herb does not have the side effects Prozac has.
Licorice root is widely used in cough drops, syrups, tonics and laxatives.
Some statistics to whet your appetite : 1.
According to a recent nationwide poll, about 42 % of adults in US turns to alternative medicines or therapies.
74% of Americans who use alternative medicines say when they use them hand in hand with conventional medicine, they find that with the combination, they can heal faster.
Yes, there is a growing trend that many people are embracing alternative medicines and therapies to heal their illness, allergies and diseases as they found it to be holistic, without side effects and when used sensibly with modern medication, they can transform your life and health.
So the next time a good samaritan suggest trying some sinus infection home remedies, take a deep breath, stop , relax and smell the roses and see what your next two thoughts would be?
Oh!! not one of those cranky Sinus Infection Home Remedies again.
Omigosh! Sinus Infection Home Remedies - where in the world am I going to find the time.
Please spare me! Relax and listen!! Do you know that healing your sinus infection with sinus infection home remedies is as old as humankind.
When you are down with a flu, your mother or grandmother would probably boil some delicious hot chicken soup for you.
Or, when I have constipation, my mother would buy me a basket of lettuce!! Fiber, she said.
Okay, enough of grandmother recipes, let me share with you that throughout history, scientists have been using herbs to produce new products and medicines every day as they are finding that many of the old herbal remedies have less side effects than prescribed drugs and encourages our body to balance its system.
Before the development of modern laboratory-manufactured drugs, almost all medicines were from natural herbal sources which explain why herbal sinus infection home remedies are so effective in healing your sinus infection.
As of today, it still is though most of us are unaware ..
Do you know that the aspirin which you pop without giving a thought to relieve your headache was originally made from the bark of the white willow tree.
Mint is an old favourite used extensively in gums, candies, toothpaste, mouthwashes, hair care and many others.
Thyme - it is found in toothpastes, mouth gargles and mouthwash products such as Listerine.
Another well know example is the foxglove plant, the modern cardiac drug Digitalis uses the leaves of the purple foxglove plant to treat heart disorders and is the cardiac stimulant digitalis to millions of heart patients who are being kept alive worldwide.
Ephedrine, the active ingredient from the herb Ephedra Sinica is used to treat asthma and other respiratory problems for years as it helps the patient to breathe easier.
John's Wort is widely used to treat mild depression without the need for Prozac as this herb does not have the side effects Prozac has.
Licorice root is widely used in cough drops, syrups, tonics and laxatives.
Some statistics to whet your appetite : 1.
According to a recent nationwide poll, about 42 % of adults in US turns to alternative medicines or therapies.
74% of Americans who use alternative medicines say when they use them hand in hand with conventional medicine, they find that with the combination, they can heal faster.
Yes, there is a growing trend that many people are embracing alternative medicines and therapies to heal their illness, allergies and diseases as they found it to be holistic, without side effects and when used sensibly with modern medication, they can transform your life and health.
So the next time a good samaritan suggest trying some sinus infection home remedies, take a deep breath, stop , relax and smell the roses and see what your next two thoughts would be?