Penis Enlarging - How Many Jelqs Per Day?
Many men looking into legitimate penis enlarging techniques, usually will come to the conclusion after researching, that the practice of penis exercising, or "jelqing" is the one method that can actually work very well for added inches in length, and girth.
Jelqing consists of repeated milking or massaging motions which you perform with your hands safely on your penis.
The big question that always arises is "how many jelqs for penis enlargement?".
That is, how many jelq repetitions does it take every day to see these amazing results that guys are experiencing.
Some people think that in order for jelqing to work, they have to do 600-800 jelqs a day! This is way too much, especially for just starting out.
You don't need to perform that many daily reps to see results.
For jelqing to be effective, you only have to do around 200-300 jelq repetitions a day.
And really this should be only after a few weeks to a month.
Starting out you should do 100-150 just to get used to it and get the rhythm down.
Even in this range guys have reported seeing good results for just starting out.
You should also actually take a day or two off each week.
Don't perform any penis enlarging exercises on your days off.
Results will actually be much better when you take time off and allow for rest and recovery to occur (which in turn will lead to growth).
So don't worry about having to jelq hundreds and hundreds of time each day.
There are modern exercise methods now that cut down drastically in the time you have to spend, while still experiencing the same amazing results.
Jelqing consists of repeated milking or massaging motions which you perform with your hands safely on your penis.
The big question that always arises is "how many jelqs for penis enlargement?".
That is, how many jelq repetitions does it take every day to see these amazing results that guys are experiencing.
Some people think that in order for jelqing to work, they have to do 600-800 jelqs a day! This is way too much, especially for just starting out.
You don't need to perform that many daily reps to see results.
For jelqing to be effective, you only have to do around 200-300 jelq repetitions a day.
And really this should be only after a few weeks to a month.
Starting out you should do 100-150 just to get used to it and get the rhythm down.
Even in this range guys have reported seeing good results for just starting out.
You should also actually take a day or two off each week.
Don't perform any penis enlarging exercises on your days off.
Results will actually be much better when you take time off and allow for rest and recovery to occur (which in turn will lead to growth).
So don't worry about having to jelq hundreds and hundreds of time each day.
There are modern exercise methods now that cut down drastically in the time you have to spend, while still experiencing the same amazing results.