Care & Treatment of Tinnitus
- People who develop tinnitus as a result of hearing loss will often experience some relief if they begin using a properly fitted hearing aid to amplify sound. Another type of device is a masking devices. These are similar to hearing aids in shape and appearance, but instead of amplifying sound they emit a low-level white noise to block out the sound of the ringing.
- Some people with tinnitus may find it helpful to use a white noise machine to help drown out the sounds of ringing in the ears. These machines, which can be found in some stores or purchased online, typically play environmental sounds such as the ocean or rain. White noise can be especially helpful when tinnitus patients are trying to sleep. Some white noise machines even have small speakers that can be placed near the pillow to help people while they are sleeping.
- In cases where ear wax builds up in the ear canal and causes tinnitus, patients typically will see symptoms disappear when the ear wax is removed. Speak with a doctor about the best methods for removing wax.
- Some medicines are known to cause tinnitus. Stopping the medication or lowering the dosage should resolve symptoms in these cases. There are also a few prescription medications for tinnitus, including acamprosate, alprazolam and tricyclic antidepressants. These will not cure tinnitus, but many people will notice their symptoms are less severe.
Hearing Devices
White Noise
Ear Wax Removal