What Is the Codex Leicester?
- The Codex Leicester contains some of da Vinci's most important thoughts on astronomy and geology. The Codex describes da Vinci's theory that the moon reflects the light of the sun--an accurate observation--because its surface is covered with water--not accurate.
- The Codex was named after it was purchased by Thomas Coke in 1717. It was later briefly known as Codex Hammer after Armand Hammer, who bought it in 1980.
- The Codex is written in Italian. Da Vinci's also made extensive use of his distinctive "mirror writing," and made numerous drawings in the margins.
- The Codex typically goes on display once a year, in a different city throughout the world. In 1997 it was displayed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
- The Codex Leicester is known as the worlds' most expensive book, after Bill Gates purchased it for over $30 million in 1994. Gates renamed it the Codex Leicester after his purchase.
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