How to Get the Lower Stomach Flat?
Many wonder how could they tighten their lower abs to get a flatter stomach.
There are a few exercises you should know.
First thing I should say is that, you can't lose fat just around your stomach.
There are no exercises or fat burning systems to spot lose fat.
Only way to do that is cosmetic surgery and I don't recommend that.
If you need to loose some fat around your belly then you need to do fat burning exercises and look after your eating habits.
If you are after flatter stomach then there are a couple of exercises you should know.
The ab air bike In this exercise you basically lie on the ground on your back and rotate your upper body from side to side, while touching your knees with your elbows.
Very efficient exercise and great overall ab exercise.
You can really feel your abs working out when doing this.
Leg and hip raises There are plenty of different leg and hip raises.
All of them don't work as much your lower stomach as others.
Basically in these exercises you lift your hip and leg upwards in a controlled manner.
This will make your lower abs to work out.
Very effective exercise also.
Incline ab exercises You can do basic sit-ups and crunches in a incline ab bench.
This is probably one of the most hardest ab exercises around when done correctly.
The more incline in the bench, the more it usually works out your lower abs.
Incline ab exercises are easy and straight forward, and easy to add more resistance by taking a weight plate along.
These are just one of the many ab exercises around, but I think these are among the best when considering to workout the lower part of your abs.
There are a few exercises you should know.
First thing I should say is that, you can't lose fat just around your stomach.
There are no exercises or fat burning systems to spot lose fat.
Only way to do that is cosmetic surgery and I don't recommend that.
If you need to loose some fat around your belly then you need to do fat burning exercises and look after your eating habits.
If you are after flatter stomach then there are a couple of exercises you should know.
The ab air bike In this exercise you basically lie on the ground on your back and rotate your upper body from side to side, while touching your knees with your elbows.
Very efficient exercise and great overall ab exercise.
You can really feel your abs working out when doing this.
Leg and hip raises There are plenty of different leg and hip raises.
All of them don't work as much your lower stomach as others.
Basically in these exercises you lift your hip and leg upwards in a controlled manner.
This will make your lower abs to work out.
Very effective exercise also.
Incline ab exercises You can do basic sit-ups and crunches in a incline ab bench.
This is probably one of the most hardest ab exercises around when done correctly.
The more incline in the bench, the more it usually works out your lower abs.
Incline ab exercises are easy and straight forward, and easy to add more resistance by taking a weight plate along.
These are just one of the many ab exercises around, but I think these are among the best when considering to workout the lower part of your abs.