Benefit Of Yoga For Working Women
Yoga, is important for all people either they are young or old. Yoga helps us to remain healthy, fit and fine forever. And in this fast moving world where a person has no time to go out to do exercise or aerobics, Yoga is a good substitute. For a working women yoga is a great remedy to remove her tensions which definitely affects her health because she has to nurture the home, fulfill a demanding career, take care of the family (including in-laws and outlaws), handle household work, she has to play a multi-roles with her skills.
Yoga help working women by giving her emotional strength so that she can easily manage all pressure, all roles they juggle: wife, sister, daughter, mother-in-law, etc.
Yoga helps her to nurture her physical fitness as well as mental keenness so that she can give her best intellectual abilities according to situation.
Yoga helps her to be out of nagging aches, low energy levels and inconsistent enthusiasm. Doing yoga is a kind of investment for body. It is a way to energizes and rejuvenate yourself.
Even it is proven that with Yoga, you can lose your weight while striking a balance between your body and mind.
Various pose of Yoga not only improve your bones, and tone muscles but it gives lot of physiological benefits too.
The most important as well as loving aspect of yoga is that you need not to give extra time and energy, you can do it within your workout routine. So whether you want to lose your weight or want to de-stress yourself, yoga is the best exercise.
Interestingly yoga based on MY REST concept:
* Meditation: It is healing and heart opening
* Yoga: best way to honor your body
* Respect: yourself, of your body a feminist
* Express: Write an article, paint a picture, learn and instrument
* Smile a lot: this is one of the best makeups
* Take a break
Here are some tips:
You can simply do yoga stretches and Sukshma Vyayam at your office desk. It relaxes your tired muscles:
* Rotate your ankles, necks and wrist anti-clockwise in turns
* Use stairs instead of the elevator
* Do walk while phone conversations
* Do simple breathing exercises
* Do offline and online meditation
In conclusion, we can say that a few minutes of yoga can energizes all day long and add an extra hour to your day because regular Yoga practice relaxes mind and body. It boosts immunity as well as help to remain you fit from disease like if you are suffering from a degenerative disease, yoga help you to manage as well as to reduce pain. If you are completely new to yoga, you are advised to learn it under a trained teacher. In Delhi as well as in Gurgoan you will find a lot of yoga medication centers.
Yoga help working women by giving her emotional strength so that she can easily manage all pressure, all roles they juggle: wife, sister, daughter, mother-in-law, etc.
Yoga helps her to nurture her physical fitness as well as mental keenness so that she can give her best intellectual abilities according to situation.
Yoga helps her to be out of nagging aches, low energy levels and inconsistent enthusiasm. Doing yoga is a kind of investment for body. It is a way to energizes and rejuvenate yourself.
Even it is proven that with Yoga, you can lose your weight while striking a balance between your body and mind.
Various pose of Yoga not only improve your bones, and tone muscles but it gives lot of physiological benefits too.
The most important as well as loving aspect of yoga is that you need not to give extra time and energy, you can do it within your workout routine. So whether you want to lose your weight or want to de-stress yourself, yoga is the best exercise.
Interestingly yoga based on MY REST concept:
* Meditation: It is healing and heart opening
* Yoga: best way to honor your body
* Respect: yourself, of your body a feminist
* Express: Write an article, paint a picture, learn and instrument
* Smile a lot: this is one of the best makeups
* Take a break
Here are some tips:
You can simply do yoga stretches and Sukshma Vyayam at your office desk. It relaxes your tired muscles:
* Rotate your ankles, necks and wrist anti-clockwise in turns
* Use stairs instead of the elevator
* Do walk while phone conversations
* Do simple breathing exercises
* Do offline and online meditation
In conclusion, we can say that a few minutes of yoga can energizes all day long and add an extra hour to your day because regular Yoga practice relaxes mind and body. It boosts immunity as well as help to remain you fit from disease like if you are suffering from a degenerative disease, yoga help you to manage as well as to reduce pain. If you are completely new to yoga, you are advised to learn it under a trained teacher. In Delhi as well as in Gurgoan you will find a lot of yoga medication centers.