Sleep Asssociation
Updated August 03, 2011.
Simply put, a sleep association is something that a person's relates to the moments just before she falls asleep. The assoication may be an action, object, sound, series of events, or the like.
When a sleep association has been established, it can be difficult for a person to fall asleep without it. The association helps to signal that it is time to nod off to sleep, and it may comfort and soothe a person to fall asleep faster.
How the Sleep Association Can Affect Baby's Sleep
In some cases, sleep associations can be a problem for parents trying to encourage their baby to sleep through the night. When a baby has developed a sleep association that adversely affects sleep, parents may notice that a baby has difficulty falling asleep at night, difficulty staying asleep and/or has difficulty returning to sleep.
Common Baby Sleep Associations
Sleep associations can be almost anything, but some common ones that may prevent a baby's solid night's sleep include:
- Rocking motion or swinging
- Driving in the car
- Feeding to sleep
- Suckling a pacifier, bottle, or mother's breast
- Cuddling or swaddling
- Taking a ride in the stroller
- Lighting: the level of light or darkness of a room
- A sound: music, lullaby, or household "white noise"
Conversely, a well-placed sleep association can help improve sleep. A simple bedtime routine followed by placing a baby in his crib when calm and drowsy but not yet completely asleep can be an association that helps the baby fall asleep quicker, stay asleep longer, and help him fall asleep on his own.