New Penis Enlargement Methods - What Works and What Doesn"t - I Went From 5.5" To Very Well Hun
In the quest to get a bigger, thicker, and more satisfying penis, people are always researching and trying to discover new ways to get the job done faster and more easily.
At least 99% of the tactics people come up with regarding penis enlargement are complete bunk, a waste of time at best and dangerous and/or unhealthy at worst.
I know a lot about penis enlargement from personal experience.
I went from an embarrassingly small 5.
5 inches long and 5 inches around to very, very well hung, and I did it safely, quickly, and permanently using methods that were and still are very traditional and not progressive or untested.
In the couple of years since I enlarged my own penis size, there have been several new devices, techniques, and supplements that have come out and people are touting them as being the best new ways to get a bigger penis.
This article reviews these new methods as well as the time-tested old ones and lets you know what is the best way to make your penis longer, thicker, and more satisfying on a permanent basis.
Water Based Pumps: This is a new type of penis pump which relies on water instead of air to "pump" your penis.
The popular way to use this thing is in the bathtub.
I have actually tried it myself and one thing I can vouch for with this product is that it is effective at giving you a temporarily harder and more rigid erection.
However, no type of penis pump, whether it uses water or air, can actually make the structure of your penis larger on a permanent (or even temporary) basis.
The reason is that a pump just draws the maximum amount of blood possible into your penis to give you a full, hard, rigid erection.
However, it does nothing to cause the tissues and chambers which determine your penis size to get bigger.
Furthermore, pumping your penis straddles the fence of safety.
It can be an effective tool (no pun intended) for guys who have physical issues causing erectile dysfunction, but in my opinion it should not be done recreationally and it certainly is not effective for penis enlargement.
All Day Stretching Devices: This is a new device that is worn on the penis all day and supposedly makes it grow by keeping it in a stretched state.
First of all, the science behind this technology is very tenuous.
I've never seen any legitimate, real world studies that demonstrate this as being an effective way to get a longer and thicker penis.
Second, I know for a fact that I wouldn't want to walk around all day with some metal contraption lurking just beneath my zipper.
I wouldn't even be able to use the restroom at a urinal like other guys!I can't imagine having to go into a stall and undo my "extender" just to answer the call of nature!Not to mention the possible scenario of meeting a woman who is exceptionally frisky and wants to "get it on" on the spot! Hand Exercises: This is what I used, and to this day, I feel it is the best option.
Why?First of all, it only takes about 10 minutes per day, and when I was doing them I took off at least two days per week.
So it isn't time consuming at all.
Second of all, it is much, much safer than using a scary device like a pump or an extender.
Third, and best of all, when I did hand exercises I started gaining both length and girth within the first two weeks, and everything I gained was permanent!
At least 99% of the tactics people come up with regarding penis enlargement are complete bunk, a waste of time at best and dangerous and/or unhealthy at worst.
I know a lot about penis enlargement from personal experience.
I went from an embarrassingly small 5.
5 inches long and 5 inches around to very, very well hung, and I did it safely, quickly, and permanently using methods that were and still are very traditional and not progressive or untested.
In the couple of years since I enlarged my own penis size, there have been several new devices, techniques, and supplements that have come out and people are touting them as being the best new ways to get a bigger penis.
This article reviews these new methods as well as the time-tested old ones and lets you know what is the best way to make your penis longer, thicker, and more satisfying on a permanent basis.
Water Based Pumps: This is a new type of penis pump which relies on water instead of air to "pump" your penis.
The popular way to use this thing is in the bathtub.
I have actually tried it myself and one thing I can vouch for with this product is that it is effective at giving you a temporarily harder and more rigid erection.
However, no type of penis pump, whether it uses water or air, can actually make the structure of your penis larger on a permanent (or even temporary) basis.
The reason is that a pump just draws the maximum amount of blood possible into your penis to give you a full, hard, rigid erection.
However, it does nothing to cause the tissues and chambers which determine your penis size to get bigger.
Furthermore, pumping your penis straddles the fence of safety.
It can be an effective tool (no pun intended) for guys who have physical issues causing erectile dysfunction, but in my opinion it should not be done recreationally and it certainly is not effective for penis enlargement.
All Day Stretching Devices: This is a new device that is worn on the penis all day and supposedly makes it grow by keeping it in a stretched state.
First of all, the science behind this technology is very tenuous.
I've never seen any legitimate, real world studies that demonstrate this as being an effective way to get a longer and thicker penis.
Second, I know for a fact that I wouldn't want to walk around all day with some metal contraption lurking just beneath my zipper.
I wouldn't even be able to use the restroom at a urinal like other guys!I can't imagine having to go into a stall and undo my "extender" just to answer the call of nature!Not to mention the possible scenario of meeting a woman who is exceptionally frisky and wants to "get it on" on the spot! Hand Exercises: This is what I used, and to this day, I feel it is the best option.
Why?First of all, it only takes about 10 minutes per day, and when I was doing them I took off at least two days per week.
So it isn't time consuming at all.
Second of all, it is much, much safer than using a scary device like a pump or an extender.
Third, and best of all, when I did hand exercises I started gaining both length and girth within the first two weeks, and everything I gained was permanent!