All About Ginger
Asian societies have always prized ginger for its health properties. And consider it one of natures best has root for its wonderful always healing powers. Not only do they use ginger in curative medicines, but add it to many of their recipes.
Through out history famous world figures such as Henry the VIII revered the benefits of ginger. Believing ginger aided in preventing one from getting to the plague. This uses of ginger has not been substantiate, but it is very apparent that through out history ginger has been used for its powerful medicinal properties.
It is well thought that ginger, the pungent, aromatic spice, is a root? But actually it is an underground stem, from a tropical herb plant Zingiber officinale. This herb is primarily grown in India, Jamaica. It is also grown in China, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Australia. It grows best in tropical lowland and forests, requiring hot, humid, shady conditions, with a fertile loam that will provide a good amount of nutrients. Ginger has no season, but grows through out the year, as long as the weather conditions are stable.
The uses for ginger are many. You will not only find it ground and bottled in the spice section at the grocery store, but in the fresh produce department in its natural stem form. It is also widely used for it oil in spicy colognes, and soaps. One of it more recognizable uses, Ginger Ale. Ginger Ale is one of the oldest and well known soft drinks. Most of us will have memories of Ginger Ale being given to us as children, for an upset stomach.
A study on motion sickness done by ("The American Phytotherapy Research Laboratory") located in Salt Lake City. Results showed that ginger was compared to Dramamine, for relieving motion sickness. It was proven ginger had a significant benefit in their experiment with a controlled study. One group taking Dramamine the other ginger, the group that took the ginger withstood a spin test for 6 minutes, while the Dramamine group became nauseous within 4 1/2 minutes. So next time you fly, opt for Ginger Ale, if you have a problem with motion sickness or that unsettled stomach.
The proprieties in Ginger have shown to aid in lowering blood cholesterol. It is also is effective in thinning blood, which aid in dissolving blood clots (Study Conducted by Cornell University Medical College). Other curative benefits include: relieves menstrual cramps, decreases headache discomforts, helps to regulate blood sugar, anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, which aid to strengthen the immune system. Ginger is also high in both calcium and iron, so in turn helps with strong bones, and decreases adverse discomforts of arthritis. It is claimed that Ginger increases blood flow to the extremities, so helps with cold feet, and hands.
How much is too much? To get the benefits of Ginger, it is recommended to include 2-4 grams daily in your diet. There are many ways to get the required beneficial dose. From ginger snap cookies, to Chinese food, and let's not forget Ginger ale. You can also eat raw or blanched Ginger or brew it up in tea. The tea is great to aid in relieving menstrual cramps, and headache. To use topically, oil of ginger can be rubbed into sore joint to provide pain relief. Ginger capsule can be purchased at your health food store, if you prefer to take Ginger in pill form. Ginger is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.
The American Herbal Products Association gives fresh ginger root safety rating of 1. This rate indicates that it is a safe to the general public with a wide dosage range. Side effects if taken in excessive doses may cause mild heartburn. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before using any Spice or herb.
Through out history famous world figures such as Henry the VIII revered the benefits of ginger. Believing ginger aided in preventing one from getting to the plague. This uses of ginger has not been substantiate, but it is very apparent that through out history ginger has been used for its powerful medicinal properties.
It is well thought that ginger, the pungent, aromatic spice, is a root? But actually it is an underground stem, from a tropical herb plant Zingiber officinale. This herb is primarily grown in India, Jamaica. It is also grown in China, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Australia. It grows best in tropical lowland and forests, requiring hot, humid, shady conditions, with a fertile loam that will provide a good amount of nutrients. Ginger has no season, but grows through out the year, as long as the weather conditions are stable.
The uses for ginger are many. You will not only find it ground and bottled in the spice section at the grocery store, but in the fresh produce department in its natural stem form. It is also widely used for it oil in spicy colognes, and soaps. One of it more recognizable uses, Ginger Ale. Ginger Ale is one of the oldest and well known soft drinks. Most of us will have memories of Ginger Ale being given to us as children, for an upset stomach.
A study on motion sickness done by ("The American Phytotherapy Research Laboratory") located in Salt Lake City. Results showed that ginger was compared to Dramamine, for relieving motion sickness. It was proven ginger had a significant benefit in their experiment with a controlled study. One group taking Dramamine the other ginger, the group that took the ginger withstood a spin test for 6 minutes, while the Dramamine group became nauseous within 4 1/2 minutes. So next time you fly, opt for Ginger Ale, if you have a problem with motion sickness or that unsettled stomach.
The proprieties in Ginger have shown to aid in lowering blood cholesterol. It is also is effective in thinning blood, which aid in dissolving blood clots (Study Conducted by Cornell University Medical College). Other curative benefits include: relieves menstrual cramps, decreases headache discomforts, helps to regulate blood sugar, anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, which aid to strengthen the immune system. Ginger is also high in both calcium and iron, so in turn helps with strong bones, and decreases adverse discomforts of arthritis. It is claimed that Ginger increases blood flow to the extremities, so helps with cold feet, and hands.
How much is too much? To get the benefits of Ginger, it is recommended to include 2-4 grams daily in your diet. There are many ways to get the required beneficial dose. From ginger snap cookies, to Chinese food, and let's not forget Ginger ale. You can also eat raw or blanched Ginger or brew it up in tea. The tea is great to aid in relieving menstrual cramps, and headache. To use topically, oil of ginger can be rubbed into sore joint to provide pain relief. Ginger capsule can be purchased at your health food store, if you prefer to take Ginger in pill form. Ginger is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.
The American Herbal Products Association gives fresh ginger root safety rating of 1. This rate indicates that it is a safe to the general public with a wide dosage range. Side effects if taken in excessive doses may cause mild heartburn. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before using any Spice or herb.