The Good News is You Are Allergic to Gluten
When you are diagnosed with celiac disease it is often the end of a long and painful road.
The chances are that you have had many years of stomach aches, loose bowels and many many other symptoms.
You may well have been put through numerous tests and told that you are suffering from something they can treat.
Then no matter what treatment you are given it never seems to get any better.
One of the problems with diagnosing this illness is that not everyone has the same symptoms, two people with it may show totally different levels of discomfort and pain.
Add this to the fact that many of the problems are not one that people exactly like to talk about and you can see why there are so many undiagnosed sufferers in the USA.
If you are reading this because you suspect that you or a loved one may be suffering with celiac disease , or to be more accurate gluten allergy, then you need to get tested specifically for it as soon as possible.
Go to your Dr and ask him to test you for it, you may well be able to get the test at a lab facility ,if they have one in your town, without even so much as a Dr's note.
I am sure you will agree with me that not knowing what you have got wrong is almost as bad as actual problems.
Human nature tends to make us imagine the worst, while being allergic to gluten is not a picnic there are many worse things that it could be so it is best to know for sure one way or another.
The chances are that you have had many years of stomach aches, loose bowels and many many other symptoms.
You may well have been put through numerous tests and told that you are suffering from something they can treat.
Then no matter what treatment you are given it never seems to get any better.
One of the problems with diagnosing this illness is that not everyone has the same symptoms, two people with it may show totally different levels of discomfort and pain.
Add this to the fact that many of the problems are not one that people exactly like to talk about and you can see why there are so many undiagnosed sufferers in the USA.
If you are reading this because you suspect that you or a loved one may be suffering with celiac disease , or to be more accurate gluten allergy, then you need to get tested specifically for it as soon as possible.
Go to your Dr and ask him to test you for it, you may well be able to get the test at a lab facility ,if they have one in your town, without even so much as a Dr's note.
I am sure you will agree with me that not knowing what you have got wrong is almost as bad as actual problems.
Human nature tends to make us imagine the worst, while being allergic to gluten is not a picnic there are many worse things that it could be so it is best to know for sure one way or another.