Secrets to Getting Girls to Like You - 3 Things You Should Know to Become More Attractive
To get a girl to like you, you have to find a way that will make her chase after you instead of you chasing her and calling her.
The less you try to ask her out the more likely she is to be drawn away from you.
To get a girl to like you don't be overly interested in her and you should not think of her as a source of happiness.
If you can be happy without her then being with her will be half the game.
So here are three things you should know about becoming more attractive to her.
Many guys try to talk to girls with logic and think if they say something to convince her to be like him that it will work.
Girls are emotional creators so logic kills the entire vibe of her even trying to liking you.
For some reason men think that talking with a lot of logic to a girl is going to increase the chance of her being attractive to them.
You might catch her interest in the subject but not on you that is for sure.
A second mistake that guys do is being overly interested in a girl, they put her in such a high pedestals that the girl just is not interested.
Many men that have a lot of experience with women will tell you to stop putting them in such high pedestal because it just kills the whole purpose of her liking you.
To be overly interested might scare her into thinking that you are in love with her.
This kind of thing makes girl run from you even if you don't tell her that you love her, it send out those "I love you" signals and at first this really does not help.
Hovering, meaning just standing there.
Never ever are you going to want to just stand next to a girl.
It really sucks, approaching a girl and then having nothing to say.
If you are just standing next to a girl without saying anything then leave and talk to her later.
Avoid those really quiet moment when you heard the sound of crickets.
Try to keep these in mind when you see a girl you like.
Always look for help and advice many guys are so scared that they are even too scared to look for help.
The less you try to ask her out the more likely she is to be drawn away from you.
To get a girl to like you don't be overly interested in her and you should not think of her as a source of happiness.
If you can be happy without her then being with her will be half the game.
So here are three things you should know about becoming more attractive to her.
Many guys try to talk to girls with logic and think if they say something to convince her to be like him that it will work.
Girls are emotional creators so logic kills the entire vibe of her even trying to liking you.
For some reason men think that talking with a lot of logic to a girl is going to increase the chance of her being attractive to them.
You might catch her interest in the subject but not on you that is for sure.
A second mistake that guys do is being overly interested in a girl, they put her in such a high pedestals that the girl just is not interested.
Many men that have a lot of experience with women will tell you to stop putting them in such high pedestal because it just kills the whole purpose of her liking you.
To be overly interested might scare her into thinking that you are in love with her.
This kind of thing makes girl run from you even if you don't tell her that you love her, it send out those "I love you" signals and at first this really does not help.
Hovering, meaning just standing there.
Never ever are you going to want to just stand next to a girl.
It really sucks, approaching a girl and then having nothing to say.
If you are just standing next to a girl without saying anything then leave and talk to her later.
Avoid those really quiet moment when you heard the sound of crickets.
Try to keep these in mind when you see a girl you like.
Always look for help and advice many guys are so scared that they are even too scared to look for help.