How Can I Change My Diet to Conceive a Boy?
Can diet increase your chance to have a boy baby? Modern science is confirming what wives' tales have claimed for many generations.
If you are interested in conceiving a son, diet may indeed play a role.
It is known that the PH level, or the acidity/alkalinity of the mother's blood, has an effect on conception.
When a woman's system is more alkaline (less acidic) the chance of having a boy is increased.
This is because when the system is more alkaline the X-chromosome, female producing, sperm have trouble surviving.
The Y-chromosome, male, sperm are more likely to thrive, thus making it possible to reach the destination and impregnate the ovum (egg).
With this in mind, the next question is, what foods increase chances of having a boy? (It's important to note that not only do you need to consider the types of food to eat, it's recommended that you also consider when to eat and how many calories to consume at each meal.
) In order for your PH level to become more alkaline you will want to avoid foods that are known to be acidic.
Concentrate on foods that are more alkaline.
The list below presents a general guideline.
Meat: (red meat) and eggs Fish: fish and canned tuna Breads and cereals: dry cereal, crackers, rice, pasta, (yeast) Condiments: extra salt ( a small amount, approximately 300 extra milligrams a day), honey, pickles, olives, margarine and vegetable oil Fruit: bananas, peaches, cherries, prunes, figs, dates, apricots, and chestnuts Vegetables: mushrooms, potatoes, artichoke, and parsley Beverages: juices (non-acidic), cola, iced and hot tea, and coffee Beans: white beans, chick peas, soy beans, legumes, and lentils Non-dairy desserts and dark chocolate Foods to avoid: dairy products, soft and hard cheeses, cheese, spinach and green salads, cream sauces and products, green beans, almonds, peanuts, deserts made with milk including ice cream, acidic juices, such as orange and lemon-aide, tomatoes, and tomato based products.
It is also recommended, in order to increase chances of getting pregnant with a boy, that you eat several meals throughout the day (5-6 smaller meals) and increase caloric intake.
A high glucose level is preferable.
Since your ultimate goal is to increase chances of having a boy, you do want to make certain that you are eating a well-balanced diet, exercising in moderation, avoiding alcohol, drugs, nicotine, and unnecessary medications.
Be well and may you have a healthy baby!
If you are interested in conceiving a son, diet may indeed play a role.
It is known that the PH level, or the acidity/alkalinity of the mother's blood, has an effect on conception.
When a woman's system is more alkaline (less acidic) the chance of having a boy is increased.
This is because when the system is more alkaline the X-chromosome, female producing, sperm have trouble surviving.
The Y-chromosome, male, sperm are more likely to thrive, thus making it possible to reach the destination and impregnate the ovum (egg).
With this in mind, the next question is, what foods increase chances of having a boy? (It's important to note that not only do you need to consider the types of food to eat, it's recommended that you also consider when to eat and how many calories to consume at each meal.
) In order for your PH level to become more alkaline you will want to avoid foods that are known to be acidic.
Concentrate on foods that are more alkaline.
The list below presents a general guideline.
Meat: (red meat) and eggs Fish: fish and canned tuna Breads and cereals: dry cereal, crackers, rice, pasta, (yeast) Condiments: extra salt ( a small amount, approximately 300 extra milligrams a day), honey, pickles, olives, margarine and vegetable oil Fruit: bananas, peaches, cherries, prunes, figs, dates, apricots, and chestnuts Vegetables: mushrooms, potatoes, artichoke, and parsley Beverages: juices (non-acidic), cola, iced and hot tea, and coffee Beans: white beans, chick peas, soy beans, legumes, and lentils Non-dairy desserts and dark chocolate Foods to avoid: dairy products, soft and hard cheeses, cheese, spinach and green salads, cream sauces and products, green beans, almonds, peanuts, deserts made with milk including ice cream, acidic juices, such as orange and lemon-aide, tomatoes, and tomato based products.
It is also recommended, in order to increase chances of getting pregnant with a boy, that you eat several meals throughout the day (5-6 smaller meals) and increase caloric intake.
A high glucose level is preferable.
Since your ultimate goal is to increase chances of having a boy, you do want to make certain that you are eating a well-balanced diet, exercising in moderation, avoiding alcohol, drugs, nicotine, and unnecessary medications.
Be well and may you have a healthy baby!