Ways to Get Out of Work
- Pretending to be sick is one of the most commonly used ways to get out of work. However, sometimes your boss may need proof that you really are sick. If you are a good actress, then you can call the office with a "sick voice." If your boss requires you to present a medical receipt from your visit to the doctor then you can go to FreePrintable and create your own receipt using your printer.
- If you do not want to pretend to be sick, use someone else's sickness as an excuse. For example, you can tell your boss that your child, your elderly mother or your husband are extremely ill. Tell your boss that you are the only one who is available to care for them.
- This is a good excuse when you are already at work, but find yourself desperately wanting to be somewhere else. Tell your boss that you just received an call saying there is a family emergency, such as your child was in an accident, your spouse is in the hospital, or your parent's house is on fire. As soon as you are done speaking, excuse yourself immediately and leave the room. Do not give your boss an opportunity to ask you more questions.
- You can't use this excuse too often, but you can pretend that a relative has died and that you must go to see your grieving family right away. Make the person a grandparent, cousin, aunt or uncle. Do not make it someone in your immediate family, as this can arouse suspicion and is a hard lie to cover up.
Pretend to be sick
Use someone else as an excuse
An emergency came up
Death in the family