How to Charge the Automobile Air Conditioning on a 2000 Saturn
- 1). Attach the top of the can of r-134a refrigerant to the valve handle of the recharge hose, screwing the end of the hose to the top of the can.
- 2). Attach the other end of the hose to the low-side charging port on the Saturn, which is on a metal air conditioning line near the air conditioning compressor in the engine compartment. Is it covered by a black cap. Screw the end of the hose onto the port.
- 3). Turn the valve on the recharge hose to pierce the top of the can of refrigerant, then return the valve to the open position.
- 4). Turn on the car and run the air conditioning on the maximum setting.
- 5). Turn the bottle upside down and gently shake the bottle back-and-forth every few seconds. Continue shaking until the bottle feels empty.
- 6). Place a thermostat in the center air conditioning duct and test the temperature. A properly operating system should be at approximately 30 to 40 degrees colder than the ambient air temperature.
- 7). Add a second 12-ounce bottle of refrigerant if needed. No more than two 12-ounce bottles should be added at one time.
- 8). Turn off the car.
- 9). Turn the valve closed on the recharge hose to seal any refrigerant inside the can.
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Unscrew the recharge hose from the low-side charging port.