The Most Popular Questions Concerning Gerbil Pups
Knowing what you can do for baby gerbils and knowing what is safe and what isn't safe is all a part of baby gerbil care. When baby gerbils are born their parents are usually pretty good about taking care of them. However there are some things you should know and be aware of so that you can provide the parents and the new liter with the best and safest care for the help Knowing what to expect and what to do if there are problems will inform you on what to look for and how to take care of any problems. Also knowing what the pups can and cannot handle when they are first born will allow you to make sure they are as safe as possible.
Baby gerbils are called pups because within a week of being born they look like teeny tiny pups. Most litters have between 3-9 pups, though some litters may have fewer and some may have more. These pups are totally dependent on their parents for the first several weeks after their birth. You may only know that they are around by the squeaking you will hear from the gerbil cage. Parent gerbils are usually pretty good parents bathing, feeding and taking care of their pups. It is on some occasions that the parents may need some help.
One of the most popular questions concerning gerbil pups may be, when can we hold them? Surprisingly the pups can be held even at their tiniest. Most of the time the parents do not mind, however if you notice that the parents do not like what is going on or they become aggressive removing the parents and giving them plenty to do will remedy the situation. One thing to be cautious of when you are holding the tiny pups is that they are still fast, you want to make sure you are holding them with a cushioned place to land in case they fall from your hands. Interaction is a part of taking care of a baby gerbil.
There are a few illnesses that you may encounter with gerbil pups. Though they are mostly healthy if you watch for signs you can bring help to them before it is too late. If a gerbil pup is having respiratory problems you may notice at about 3 weeks a less active pup who has puffed up fur. When you hold the pup up to your ear you will hear clicking sounds as they breathe. If this is the case you will want to contact your veterinarian right away so they can prescribe antibiotics for the little pup. If the pup is left without treatment it will die in a matter of days for the help If a pup is experiencing diarrhea it is a sign of Tyzze's disease or E.coli and both are often fatal. However, antibiotics and re-hydration may help the gerbil survive it is important to call your veterinarian due to the other gerbils possibly being infected. One last problem to look for is if one of your pups isn't getting enough milk. These signs include fur not developing, bald patch on back and smaller than the other pups. If this is the case you can remove the other pups to a safe and warm place and let that pup feed or choose a way to provide supplemental feeding.
Baby gerbils are called pups because within a week of being born they look like teeny tiny pups. Most litters have between 3-9 pups, though some litters may have fewer and some may have more. These pups are totally dependent on their parents for the first several weeks after their birth. You may only know that they are around by the squeaking you will hear from the gerbil cage. Parent gerbils are usually pretty good parents bathing, feeding and taking care of their pups. It is on some occasions that the parents may need some help.
One of the most popular questions concerning gerbil pups may be, when can we hold them? Surprisingly the pups can be held even at their tiniest. Most of the time the parents do not mind, however if you notice that the parents do not like what is going on or they become aggressive removing the parents and giving them plenty to do will remedy the situation. One thing to be cautious of when you are holding the tiny pups is that they are still fast, you want to make sure you are holding them with a cushioned place to land in case they fall from your hands. Interaction is a part of taking care of a baby gerbil.
There are a few illnesses that you may encounter with gerbil pups. Though they are mostly healthy if you watch for signs you can bring help to them before it is too late. If a gerbil pup is having respiratory problems you may notice at about 3 weeks a less active pup who has puffed up fur. When you hold the pup up to your ear you will hear clicking sounds as they breathe. If this is the case you will want to contact your veterinarian right away so they can prescribe antibiotics for the little pup. If the pup is left without treatment it will die in a matter of days for the help If a pup is experiencing diarrhea it is a sign of Tyzze's disease or E.coli and both are often fatal. However, antibiotics and re-hydration may help the gerbil survive it is important to call your veterinarian due to the other gerbils possibly being infected. One last problem to look for is if one of your pups isn't getting enough milk. These signs include fur not developing, bald patch on back and smaller than the other pups. If this is the case you can remove the other pups to a safe and warm place and let that pup feed or choose a way to provide supplemental feeding.