How to Remove Eyelid Tumors From Dogs
- 1). Allow your veterinarian to perform a complete eye and physical examination of your dog. Staining the cornea of the eye to check for injury, a fine needle aspirate for cytology of the tumor and a complete blood count and serum chemistry of your dog will help the vet to complete a diagnosis.
- 2). Give permission for the vet to sedate or anesthetize your dog to remove surgically the tumor. A small tumor may require only sedation, excision with a scalpel and suturing with fine suture material. An animal with a larger tumor may need to be anesthetized, the tumor excised, and the wound then cauterized to prevent bleeding.
- 3). Pay your vet to send the excised tumor to a laboratory for cytological testing. The lab will determine of the tumor is benign or cancerous.
- 4). Administer any medications the vet recommends for aftercare, including oral and optical antibiotics.
- 5). Don't allow your dog to scratch or paw at the surgical site prior to sutures being removed. He may need to wear an Elizabethan collar until the area heals.
- 6). Schedule follow-up visits to the vet clinic for removal of any sutures and further examination of the eye.
Curative Procedure