Stone Crab Regulations
- When attempting to catch stone crabs, crabbers are searching for large claws that are of the legal size. To protect itself, the stone crab will release its claw from its body when it feels endangered by man or other predators such as the octopus. These claws are removed from the crab, and the crab is then returned to the water where it was caught. Stone crabs are able to regenerate their claws that have been removed. Regulations are in place for the recreational crabber to help protect the stone crab population and ensure their populations do not become too low.
- According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, those crabbing for stone crabs, have limits on the claws they can collect. The claw's measurement must be at least 2 3/4 inches long. Claws may not be collected from female stone crabs carrying eggs. Each individual is limited to 1 gallon of claws. Each boat may only have a maximum of 2 gallons of claws, regardless of the number of people on the boat.
- The season for harvesting stone crab claws in Florida according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is from October 15 through May 14. When harvesting stone crab claws, the crab itself can not be injured with a sharp object in an attempt to capture the crab. Both claws may be removed from the stone crab if they are legal size, but the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission points out that removing both claws will make it harder for the crab to gather food and defend itself as it tries to regenerate the claws.
- All recreational stone crabbers must receive a license from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to catch stone crabs. These crabbers are limited to five traps per person, and the traps must have the crabber's name and address attached to it. Buoy's are required for stone crab traps, unless the trap is attached to a dock. Recreational crabbers must pull the trap up by hand instead of using mechanical assistance. The traps may only be pulled up during the day.
Limits On The Stone Crab Claws
Season and Care Of The Stone Crab
Regulations on Traps