How to Convert ISO to AVI in Ubuntu
1Type "sudo apt-get install dvdrip" into the terminal to install DVD::Rip.
Start DVD::Rip from the Applications > Sound & Video menu, or from the terminal by typing "dvdrip." The Preferences window should open automatically; otherwise hit Ctrl+P.
Set your DVD-ROM device under "Default DVD Device," then open the "Miscellaneous Options" tab. Set the "Default Container Format" to "AVI," and click "OK" to close the Preferences window.
Under "Data Source Selection," click "Choose DVD Image Directory," and browse to the ISO image you wish to convert. If you wish to select extra options such as resizing the video or including subtitles, explore the other tabs in this main window. When you are finished, go to the "Transcode" tab.
Set final transcoding options in the "Transcode" tab. Though most of the defaults should be fine, you may want to set the target file size yourself. When you are ready, hit "Transcode," and come back in a few minutes for your completed AVI file.