Natural Cystitis Treatment
Natural cystitis treatment can be a very effective way to get long lasting relief from the burning pain and, quite frankly, the agony of this condition. Indeed, for many conditions they can be more effective than harsh antibiotics and temporary over the counter remedies, which are often expensive and only deal with the symptoms, meaning that the condition may well reappear, often in as little as a couple of weeks.
Bacteria is a natural feature of the urinary tract. Normally, the beneficial strains of bacteria keep the harmful strains in check by being self-regulating. However, when something happens which causes an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, the symptoms of cystitis can rapidly appear.
There can be various reasons for the bacterial overgrowth. It can occur when bacteria is unwittingly introduced from the bowel, either due to poor hygiene or intercourse. It can also happen when you are simply "under the weather". Also, certain health conditions can make the growth of harmful bacteria much more likely.
Antibiotics work in a completely different way to natural cystitis treatment. Although they work by killing off bacteria, they cannot distinguish between strains of good and bad bacteria so it is all eliminated. This means that there is no resistance to other infections such as yeast infection, (which is why many of us have this condition after taking antibiotics). In addition, antibiotics can also cause stomach upsets and nausea.
The following natural cystitis treatment options can work very well for mild-moderate infections:-
* Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily
* Drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice each morning
* Take a Vitamin C supplement
* Avoid using perfumed products in the shower or bath
* Use a hot water bottle on the abdomen
* Urinate when you feel the need (even if painful)
If you find that your symptoms are particularly severe or have not gone within 24 hours, you may wish to consider a more robust approach.
Bacteria is a natural feature of the urinary tract. Normally, the beneficial strains of bacteria keep the harmful strains in check by being self-regulating. However, when something happens which causes an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, the symptoms of cystitis can rapidly appear.
There can be various reasons for the bacterial overgrowth. It can occur when bacteria is unwittingly introduced from the bowel, either due to poor hygiene or intercourse. It can also happen when you are simply "under the weather". Also, certain health conditions can make the growth of harmful bacteria much more likely.
Antibiotics work in a completely different way to natural cystitis treatment. Although they work by killing off bacteria, they cannot distinguish between strains of good and bad bacteria so it is all eliminated. This means that there is no resistance to other infections such as yeast infection, (which is why many of us have this condition after taking antibiotics). In addition, antibiotics can also cause stomach upsets and nausea.
The following natural cystitis treatment options can work very well for mild-moderate infections:-
* Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily
* Drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice each morning
* Take a Vitamin C supplement
* Avoid using perfumed products in the shower or bath
* Use a hot water bottle on the abdomen
* Urinate when you feel the need (even if painful)
If you find that your symptoms are particularly severe or have not gone within 24 hours, you may wish to consider a more robust approach.