Remember the Miracle That You Truly Are!
The other day I was driving down the road listening to the music of my youth.
I had the volume turned up and I was getting down to the music of the 1980's.
Then all of a sudden, smack, right there in the middle of my rear view mirror was the image of a teenage boy who was in a big hurry, tailgating me, and rudely honking his horn.
"Doesn't he know that he's interrupting Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer?" I thought.
I have to admit, I was a little annoyed with this teen boy.
I even thought about hitting my brakes quickly to scare the heck out of him and teach him a little lesson for driving recklessly.
As I continued to glare at this rude teen boy I noticed there were several other teens in the car with him.
The thought then struck me that they were all someone's children and tapping my brakes would be a really stupid thing for me to do.
In that moment of weakness that I was successfully able to find my way out of I had realized that I had forgotten to remember the miracle that I truly am, and the miracle this teen truly is.
I believe that if we both hadn't forgotten the miracle that we both truly are, then both of us would have held ourselves up to a higher standard of behavior.
I wouldn't have become angry so easily, and he wouldn't have put his, and his passengers' safety in jeopardy so thoughtlessly.
Doesn't he realize that teens are not invincible.
One just has to watch the local news to know this is true.
Well, regardless, it takes two to tangle and it only takes one to remember the miracle that he or she truly is and thus stop the tangling from ever starting in the first place.
This reminds me of a time when my Granddaddy told me that when someone is acting crazy or not living up to his or her full est potential, don't get mad, it's probably just because they have forgotten to remember the miracle that they truly are.
If we pause and remember the miracle that we truly are, than we don't have any other choice but to behave and operate at a higher level of consciousness in which we avoid petty, unproductive behaviors.
Now teens, and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us.
Remember the miracle that you truly are, and act accordingly.
And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do.
I had the volume turned up and I was getting down to the music of the 1980's.
Then all of a sudden, smack, right there in the middle of my rear view mirror was the image of a teenage boy who was in a big hurry, tailgating me, and rudely honking his horn.
"Doesn't he know that he's interrupting Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer?" I thought.
I have to admit, I was a little annoyed with this teen boy.
I even thought about hitting my brakes quickly to scare the heck out of him and teach him a little lesson for driving recklessly.
As I continued to glare at this rude teen boy I noticed there were several other teens in the car with him.
The thought then struck me that they were all someone's children and tapping my brakes would be a really stupid thing for me to do.
In that moment of weakness that I was successfully able to find my way out of I had realized that I had forgotten to remember the miracle that I truly am, and the miracle this teen truly is.
I believe that if we both hadn't forgotten the miracle that we both truly are, then both of us would have held ourselves up to a higher standard of behavior.
I wouldn't have become angry so easily, and he wouldn't have put his, and his passengers' safety in jeopardy so thoughtlessly.
Doesn't he realize that teens are not invincible.
One just has to watch the local news to know this is true.
Well, regardless, it takes two to tangle and it only takes one to remember the miracle that he or she truly is and thus stop the tangling from ever starting in the first place.
This reminds me of a time when my Granddaddy told me that when someone is acting crazy or not living up to his or her full est potential, don't get mad, it's probably just because they have forgotten to remember the miracle that they truly are.
If we pause and remember the miracle that we truly are, than we don't have any other choice but to behave and operate at a higher level of consciousness in which we avoid petty, unproductive behaviors.
Now teens, and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us.
Remember the miracle that you truly are, and act accordingly.
And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do.