Ginger for Tendonitis Relief
- Ginger is a perennial plant which is grown in tropical climates such as China, Jamaica and India. It is used as a culinary spice and has also been used as a traditional medicine in Asia and India since ancient times. It has a long folk history in Asia as a popular treatment of bursitis. In the West it has been used for treating tendonitis and also bursitis.
Ginger is used to reduce symptoms of tendonitis because it has both anti-inflammatory effects as well as pain-relieving properties. Ginger works by inhibiting the production of inflammatory chemicals. A compound in ginger called 6-shogaol has been shown to reduce pain by blocking transmission of pain signals. Ginger has also been known to reduce inflammation of the joints and muscle tissue as it improves circulation.
Ginger can be taken by capsules, tincture, teas or ground ginger root. Rubbing ginger essential oil on sore tendons can also help to alleviate the pain as well as easing stiffness. The maximum daily dose of ginger recommended is 4 g. Taking pills instead of powder can reduce possible stomach upset sometimes associated with ginger. Physicians have also recommended that individuals with gallbladder disease do not use ginger.
Using Ginger to Relieve Tendonitis