Forearms Exercises
Forearm strength is needed not only to allow balance in the upper body allowing muscle growth through the arms and shoulders, it is also needed for grip strength in sports like tennis, golf, baseball, basketball etc.
Here are the top 3 forearm exercises.
With each of these we recommend the use of Fat Gripz.
These will target your forearms much more intensely getting you results much quicker: 1.
Dumbbell wrist curl (Palms down) For this you need to rest your forearms on a bench with your hands off the other side with your palms facing the ground.
Holding a dumbbell, you lift the weight as high as possible (forearms always touching the bench) and then lower as far as possible.
Do this with a weight that you can lift between 10-15 times.
Start with 3 sets and go from there.
Barbell wrist curl (Palms up) Similar to the dumbbell wrist curl, but with your palms up this time and we find it best holding a barbell rather than dumbbells.
Lift and lower 10-15 times.
Again 3 sets to start and adjust depending upon your own performance.
Reverse barbell curl (Palms down) This exercise is standing (no bench needed) and you must keep your back straight throughout.
Grip the barbell with an overhand grip.
Tuck your elbows into your sides and lift the barbell up towards your chest, hold it for a moment and lower it down.
You will need to be careful with your back during this exercise and you may find your biceps fatigue before your forearms.
Here are the top 3 forearm exercises.
With each of these we recommend the use of Fat Gripz.
These will target your forearms much more intensely getting you results much quicker: 1.
Dumbbell wrist curl (Palms down) For this you need to rest your forearms on a bench with your hands off the other side with your palms facing the ground.
Holding a dumbbell, you lift the weight as high as possible (forearms always touching the bench) and then lower as far as possible.
Do this with a weight that you can lift between 10-15 times.
Start with 3 sets and go from there.
Barbell wrist curl (Palms up) Similar to the dumbbell wrist curl, but with your palms up this time and we find it best holding a barbell rather than dumbbells.
Lift and lower 10-15 times.
Again 3 sets to start and adjust depending upon your own performance.
Reverse barbell curl (Palms down) This exercise is standing (no bench needed) and you must keep your back straight throughout.
Grip the barbell with an overhand grip.
Tuck your elbows into your sides and lift the barbell up towards your chest, hold it for a moment and lower it down.
You will need to be careful with your back during this exercise and you may find your biceps fatigue before your forearms.