How to Fight Acid Reflux by Watching Your Diet
- 1). Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease are cough, nausea, belching, feeling of burning in the chest.
Acid Reflux Symptoms can be easily worsened by laying down, slouching - anything rather than proper posture can put pressure on stomach and cause further discomfort of this condition. Do not lay down after food, food must be eaten in at least 2 hours before going to sleep. - 2). Overeating can cause acid reflux disease. There is a good old folk saying for healthy meal control: stop eating when you still feel slightly hungry. Complement your meals as much as you can with fiber and green vegetables. Alkaline food such as vegetables will newtralize acidity of digested food, giving you acid reflux relief.
- 3). Drinking milk can relief acid reflux symptoms. Acid reflux / heartburn / is usually produced by eating processed and greasy food and by the luck of vegetation in diet. Balance your meals by adding vegetables and fruits. If you develop and maintain your healthy eating habits and diet for acid reflux disease, you can greatly elliminate the symptoms and , eventually, the disease itself