What Are the Causes of Chest Pain With Stomach Gas?
- This type of pain is generally right in the center of the chest. Ordinarily, it doesn't move.
- If the chest pain is the result of a heart attack or angina it will radiate to your neck, shoulders and arms.
- If you have a condition called splenic flexure syndrome this can cause chest pain. This condition occurs when gas or air accumulates in the upper part of your colon. This will gas cause pain in the upper left abdomen and can radiate to the left chest area, according to Babyboomercaretaker.com.
- Sometimes after undergoing surgery a patient will accumulate gas that will travel to the chest area and cause pain.
- Along with gas, anxiety and rapid breathing can cause pain in the chest. Sometimes the pain signals no serious condition. At other times chest pain can be a sign of dangerous or even life-threatening conditions, including a heart attack or stroke, according to the Healthsquare website.
Splenic Flexure
Dangerous and Not Dangerous