Are You Using the Best Personal Care Products? Here"s How to Find Out
When was the last time your skin actually felt good after using the big brand personal care products? Isn't it strange that despite using the big name creams and lotions, most people are still not happy with their skin? The problem is, these companies do not pay much attention to the consumer's well being.
Their focus is on the bottom line, and how to increase their profits.
This is the reason they use cheap, chemical ingredients in their personal care products so as to cut down on the production costs and maximize the profits.
Parabens, a very common group of preservatives used in skin creams, are actually very dangerous chemicals.
Studies have linked their prolonged usage with cancer.
Which is why the European Union has banned their usage in skin care products.
Mineral oil, again a very common moisturizing agent, actually makes your skin dry by leeching its natural moisture content.
Expose your skin to this oil too long and it will become very dry and flaky, guaranteed.
So the next time you think of buying any cream, make sure to first check its ingredients.
Steer clear of it if there are any chemicals inside.
Here's a tip.
You need not restrict yourself to your neighborhood store.
Just Google a bit and you will find many ethical companies that manufacture high quality, natural products which are really beneficial for your skin.
These personal care products would contain highly beneficial ingredients like Phytessence Wakame.
This Japanese sea kelp nourishes your skin with plenty of vitamins and minerals that keep your skin healthy and young.
It also protects your skin from the UV rays of the sun that damage the Collagen fibers, making your skin loose and also cause age spots.
Wakame prevents this from happening effectively.
Cynergy TK™ is a natural sheep wool extract sourced from New Zealand.
It has the power to keep your skin firm, tight, and wrinkle free naturally.
Cynergy does this by enhancing the production of Collagen and Elastin in your body - the two proteins responsible for the shape and smoothness of the skin.
Natural oils like Avocado and Macadamia are luxurious oils that seep into your skin and moisturize it from within.
These oils maintain the balance in your skin so that it doesn't become too oily or dry, and give it a soft, velvety feel.
Now it's time to star putting this information to action, and to find out quality personal care products that can give you a fresh young skin naturally.
Their focus is on the bottom line, and how to increase their profits.
This is the reason they use cheap, chemical ingredients in their personal care products so as to cut down on the production costs and maximize the profits.
Parabens, a very common group of preservatives used in skin creams, are actually very dangerous chemicals.
Studies have linked their prolonged usage with cancer.
Which is why the European Union has banned their usage in skin care products.
Mineral oil, again a very common moisturizing agent, actually makes your skin dry by leeching its natural moisture content.
Expose your skin to this oil too long and it will become very dry and flaky, guaranteed.
So the next time you think of buying any cream, make sure to first check its ingredients.
Steer clear of it if there are any chemicals inside.
Here's a tip.
You need not restrict yourself to your neighborhood store.
Just Google a bit and you will find many ethical companies that manufacture high quality, natural products which are really beneficial for your skin.
These personal care products would contain highly beneficial ingredients like Phytessence Wakame.
This Japanese sea kelp nourishes your skin with plenty of vitamins and minerals that keep your skin healthy and young.
It also protects your skin from the UV rays of the sun that damage the Collagen fibers, making your skin loose and also cause age spots.
Wakame prevents this from happening effectively.
Cynergy TK™ is a natural sheep wool extract sourced from New Zealand.
It has the power to keep your skin firm, tight, and wrinkle free naturally.
Cynergy does this by enhancing the production of Collagen and Elastin in your body - the two proteins responsible for the shape and smoothness of the skin.
Natural oils like Avocado and Macadamia are luxurious oils that seep into your skin and moisturize it from within.
These oils maintain the balance in your skin so that it doesn't become too oily or dry, and give it a soft, velvety feel.
Now it's time to star putting this information to action, and to find out quality personal care products that can give you a fresh young skin naturally.