The Evolution Revolution: Punditry and Problem-Solving
All the sophisticated posturing and punditorizing about the sorry state of our country and planet misses the point completely.
As Albert Einstein said: We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
The Intellect just doesn't cut it-we must move to the next evolutionary level of perception and behavior.
All the ranting and all the scientific studies are as naught in the face of our essential dilemma: as a species, we don't have a clue about our True Nature.
And so we are like buffoons, blind and deaf, stumbling about in the dark imagining we are sighted and clever.
The singular root of all the problems we face-as individuals, as a nation, and as a civilization, is: we don't know who we are.
It's something like an actor playing a part and not coming back to his own identity: being stuck in the role and not recognizing friends, family or his own home.
Everything he proceeds to do is then based on this false identity, the proclivities of a fictional character.
We humans are unaware of our True Identity and so believe ourselves to be the roles we find ourselves playing: President, prostitute, pundit, poseur; patrician, painter, playboy, prole; professor, playwright, punk, Pollyanna or philanderer...
In fact, we are not the roles we play, and whatever the part, it will be played with greater mastery than we can imagine when we are in touch with the Genius behind every role.
When we recognize our True Nature we recognize that every human that exists embodies that same Nature - that we are not disparate beings separated by language, geography, religion or race, but essentially and exactly the same in the most important way: we are all embodiments of a singular Consciousness.
So the answer to all our problems is the same: we must awaken to our True Nature.
An awakened Consciousness understands that whatever It does to or for another It is only doing to or for Its own Self-therefore Awakened Consciousness is naturally Loving, selfless, harmonious, considerate, cooperative, compassionate and wise.
Awakened Consciousness wouldn't even think of harming the ecosystem on which It depends for Its existence.
So instead of complaining or criticizing-creating a miasma of negativity like Pigpen's cloud of detritus-clean up your own act by taking a practical step toward our collective enlightenment.
Embrace the Evolution Revolution and discover your True Self.
As Albert Einstein said: We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
The Intellect just doesn't cut it-we must move to the next evolutionary level of perception and behavior.
All the ranting and all the scientific studies are as naught in the face of our essential dilemma: as a species, we don't have a clue about our True Nature.
And so we are like buffoons, blind and deaf, stumbling about in the dark imagining we are sighted and clever.
The singular root of all the problems we face-as individuals, as a nation, and as a civilization, is: we don't know who we are.
It's something like an actor playing a part and not coming back to his own identity: being stuck in the role and not recognizing friends, family or his own home.
Everything he proceeds to do is then based on this false identity, the proclivities of a fictional character.
We humans are unaware of our True Identity and so believe ourselves to be the roles we find ourselves playing: President, prostitute, pundit, poseur; patrician, painter, playboy, prole; professor, playwright, punk, Pollyanna or philanderer...
In fact, we are not the roles we play, and whatever the part, it will be played with greater mastery than we can imagine when we are in touch with the Genius behind every role.
When we recognize our True Nature we recognize that every human that exists embodies that same Nature - that we are not disparate beings separated by language, geography, religion or race, but essentially and exactly the same in the most important way: we are all embodiments of a singular Consciousness.
So the answer to all our problems is the same: we must awaken to our True Nature.
An awakened Consciousness understands that whatever It does to or for another It is only doing to or for Its own Self-therefore Awakened Consciousness is naturally Loving, selfless, harmonious, considerate, cooperative, compassionate and wise.
Awakened Consciousness wouldn't even think of harming the ecosystem on which It depends for Its existence.
So instead of complaining or criticizing-creating a miasma of negativity like Pigpen's cloud of detritus-clean up your own act by taking a practical step toward our collective enlightenment.
Embrace the Evolution Revolution and discover your True Self.