School Uniform Pros & Cons
- School uniforms create the atmosphere of a learning environment. Because children are less concerned about what others are wearing, they tend to pay attention better in class when wearing school uniforms. The uniform also acts as a social leveler, making all students equal in eyes of each other and the school, preventing students from being singled out or stigmatized as being from a poor background. There may also be fewer assaults on kids to steal their sneakers, jewelry or other possessions. School uniforms may also make the school physically safer as it is easy to identify an outsider.
On the down side, students will always find reasons for teasing or bullying others, regardless of what they wear. Many will change into their own clothes the minute classes are over in any case. Uniforms make students very identifiable, emphasizing the divisions between schools, and may cause bullying and fighting between students from rival schools. Schools that experienced better discipline after making uniforms mandatory may have adopted stricter disciplinary measures overall to keep the children under control. - Uniforms create school pride and give students a sense of belonging. Some people, however, see uniform policies as a violation of a child's right to free expression. Uniforms suppress individualism and teachers may tend to treat students en masse rather than recognizing their different abilities and characteristics. A uniform is a way to get students to do what the school prescribes, rather than teaching them to accept responsibility for aspects of their own lives, such as clothing. As school uniforms create an "oneness," there are fewer opportunities for students to recognize and deal with others who are different from themselves.
- A uniform has practical benefits when children are on organized school trips. It makes it easier for teachers to distinguish kids from their school from others and ensure that everybody stays together. As kids tend to compete with each other, they may put a lot of pressure on their parents to buy them the latest designer clothes to ensure they "fit in" when they are not wearing uniforms.
On the down side, parents find some uniform items expensive compared to the rest of their child's clothing. School uniforms cannot be worn outside the school environment, forcing parents to supply two sets of clothes for every day: school uniform and normal clothing. A uniform is also sometimes insufficient for certain days or seasons. - School uniforms make it easy for teachers to check that students maintain a smart appearance and are dressed appropriately for class. When students are allowed to dress as they like, teachers have to fight a constant battle to ensure that the students' clothes are not too revealing, contain offensive slogans or are too dangerous for certain scientific experiments. Uniforms prepare students to dress smartly and appropriately for work and to adhere to a corporate dress code.
The down side is that with age, students rebel more and more against wearing a uniform, and teachers will still need to check their appearance. The business world is also becoming increasingly relaxed about dress codes, and uniforms don't teach students how to choose clothing from their own wardrobes that are appropriate for work.
Uniformity vs. Individualism
Teaching Appropriate Dress Code