Profile of Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing
Background on Manoa:
Launched in 1989 by University of Hawai'i professors Frank Stewart and Robert Shapard, Manoa strives to bring the literature and art of Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas to English-speaking readers. The journal, published twice yearly, is notable not only for the excellence of its writing, but for the quality of its design.
Work from Manoa has appeared in anthologies such as Best American Short Stories, Best American Poetry, Best American Essays, Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards, and Pushcart Prize.
Manoa has also received national awards for its design and editorial excellence.
Submit Work to Manoa:
Frank Stewart continues to edit the journal. However, at this time Manoa is not considering unsolicited work. Check their submissions page for updates.
Review of Manoa:
Writer Gay Davis, a longtime Manoa subscriber, explains why Manoa is important to her -- and to American culture at large -- and offers examples of recent stories worth attention.
Read about more literary journals, or learn about how to submit work to a journal.