An Asthma Treatment Albuterol Overview
Because of the nature of this condition which is long lasting and recurring, no cure has been created for it as of the moment. The condition involves the tightening of the muscles in the lungs, the inflammation of the linings and overdevelopment of mucus making breathing difficult, in clinical terms doctors call this bronchospasm.
Having asthma is no joke, this condition when not given the proper attention it needs, can be devastating and even fatal. Since there is no cure for this disease, the only thing that you can count on in terms of prevention and relief is your prescribed medication. One of the medications that your doctor might give you is Albuterol. Albuterol is a beta-agonist bronchodilator which is used to relieve the swelling of the lungs, control mucus production and reduce swelling of the linings, enabling oxygen to pass freely in and out of the body.
This drug may come in syrup, tablet, and aerosol form in order to fit wide ranges of situations and factors. Take infants for example, since using inhalers is out of the question, and they cannot swallow capsules the only course of action in order to get medication is through syrup form. So depending on your individual circumstances and need, you may be given a different form rather than just the regular inhaler.
Same as with other medications Albuterol also have a few side effects that are associated with taking it; side effects such as coughing, palpitations, headaches, runny nose, nausea, throat irritation and others. While experiencing one or two of the symptoms from time to time is no cause for alarm, when you feel that the frequency of the side-effects are becoming more and more noticeable, stop medication and talk to your physician immediately.
The important thing to keep in mind when taking Albuterol is in the dosage, be sure to take exactly as prescribed. If you feel that you need more dosage in order to feel improvement in your condition talk to your doctor first as there may be an underlying problem behind it. Never every try to self-medicate as this can cause more problems for you. The last thing that you should remember when taking your medication is; to keep taking it until required, never abandon your medication half way as this can cause your condition to recur and become more resistant to the medication you are taking at the same time.
Eddy Kong Wai W used to be an asthma sufferer for 20 years. For more detailed instructions and help on asthma treatment albuterol , be sure to visit if you want to get rid of asthma and allergy naturally by subscribing to the 10-day FREE mini-ecourse right now.
Having asthma is no joke, this condition when not given the proper attention it needs, can be devastating and even fatal. Since there is no cure for this disease, the only thing that you can count on in terms of prevention and relief is your prescribed medication. One of the medications that your doctor might give you is Albuterol. Albuterol is a beta-agonist bronchodilator which is used to relieve the swelling of the lungs, control mucus production and reduce swelling of the linings, enabling oxygen to pass freely in and out of the body.
This drug may come in syrup, tablet, and aerosol form in order to fit wide ranges of situations and factors. Take infants for example, since using inhalers is out of the question, and they cannot swallow capsules the only course of action in order to get medication is through syrup form. So depending on your individual circumstances and need, you may be given a different form rather than just the regular inhaler.
Same as with other medications Albuterol also have a few side effects that are associated with taking it; side effects such as coughing, palpitations, headaches, runny nose, nausea, throat irritation and others. While experiencing one or two of the symptoms from time to time is no cause for alarm, when you feel that the frequency of the side-effects are becoming more and more noticeable, stop medication and talk to your physician immediately.
The important thing to keep in mind when taking Albuterol is in the dosage, be sure to take exactly as prescribed. If you feel that you need more dosage in order to feel improvement in your condition talk to your doctor first as there may be an underlying problem behind it. Never every try to self-medicate as this can cause more problems for you. The last thing that you should remember when taking your medication is; to keep taking it until required, never abandon your medication half way as this can cause your condition to recur and become more resistant to the medication you are taking at the same time.
Eddy Kong Wai W used to be an asthma sufferer for 20 years. For more detailed instructions and help on asthma treatment albuterol , be sure to visit if you want to get rid of asthma and allergy naturally by subscribing to the 10-day FREE mini-ecourse right now.