Guarantee Success With 100% of Your Calls by Practicing This Technique
When preparing to make calls to prospects one of the most important steps is the moment right before you pick up that phone and dial those numbers.
The mental aspect of preparing for each call can determine whether the calls that you are going to make are going to be successful or whether you will be wasting your time because you aren't prepared for success.
One key technique that I suggest my clients follow is the following mindset: "Those that I may speak to may not qualify for my product or service and I can only help those that are qualified for my product or service" The mindset that I am suggesting to adopt is one of qualification.
In sales many have said "the great ways rejoice in the 5% of the time they 'win'".
Rejoicing in 5% can be an extremely difficult task and one that many find impossible.
In sales there are simply two groups of prospects that you will be speaking with: 1.
Prospects who simply aren't qualified for your product or service for financial reasons, mindset, or inability to accept the benefits that it can offer to their company.
Prospects who are ready to discover more about your product or service and look forward to finding out more how your product or service can help them.
The entire goal of each conversation is to simply find out which group each prospect belongs to.
In this formula you are simply qualifying.
Qualification leaves you successful 100% of the time because every phone call leads to a classification of the prospect into one of your two categories.
Each question that you ask of your prospects should be designed to move them into one of the two categories.
By putting each prospect into one of the two categories every phone call is a success.
On your next phone call before you mention your product or service I would like to suggest that you ask enough questions to find out which group your prospect should be placed.
When you would like to discover how to ask the right questions of your prospects I would invite you to take my 5 day video course to increase your sales through questions.
This course is free and can be found at www.
The mental aspect of preparing for each call can determine whether the calls that you are going to make are going to be successful or whether you will be wasting your time because you aren't prepared for success.
One key technique that I suggest my clients follow is the following mindset: "Those that I may speak to may not qualify for my product or service and I can only help those that are qualified for my product or service" The mindset that I am suggesting to adopt is one of qualification.
In sales many have said "the great ways rejoice in the 5% of the time they 'win'".
Rejoicing in 5% can be an extremely difficult task and one that many find impossible.
In sales there are simply two groups of prospects that you will be speaking with: 1.
Prospects who simply aren't qualified for your product or service for financial reasons, mindset, or inability to accept the benefits that it can offer to their company.
Prospects who are ready to discover more about your product or service and look forward to finding out more how your product or service can help them.
The entire goal of each conversation is to simply find out which group each prospect belongs to.
In this formula you are simply qualifying.
Qualification leaves you successful 100% of the time because every phone call leads to a classification of the prospect into one of your two categories.
Each question that you ask of your prospects should be designed to move them into one of the two categories.
By putting each prospect into one of the two categories every phone call is a success.
On your next phone call before you mention your product or service I would like to suggest that you ask enough questions to find out which group your prospect should be placed.
When you would like to discover how to ask the right questions of your prospects I would invite you to take my 5 day video course to increase your sales through questions.
This course is free and can be found at www.