In vitro fertilization (IVF) in Delhi
The couple can not imagine what the extracorporeal fertilization method, what is the essence of IVF, which is the extracorporeal fertilization in vitro, and whether IVF is safe. The efficiency of the in vitro fertilization of the egg has been demonstrated by the experience of many years of application of this technology in the treatment of infertility.
Strictly speaking, the technology of extracorporeal fertilization or IVF essence is as follows: the body of the mother, following stimulation of ovulation, the egg is removed, after which occurs in vitro fertilization with the sperm of the intended father.
Precisely why the children came into the world with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF) often called the "children of the specimen" With that mark the difference in the method of conception - in vitro using of the TRA or the body of the mother then the embryos (usually two embryos obtained in vitro with good development) are implanted in the mother's womb, then, if the implementation was successful, the pregnancy develops the normal way.
However keep in mind that pregnancy does not always occur as a result of the first attempt of IVF Treatment. Do not despair. The method of extracorporeal fertilization is not an easy process. As practice shows, the best IVF is not always the first. Cases are known when the pregnancy after in vitro conception occurred in the fourth until the tenth attempt. As a general rule, subsequent attempts IVF embryos obtained in vitro and subjected to cryopreservation.
In this section you will learn in detail all aspects of the complicated process of extracorporeal fertilization in vitro, namely "the essence" of IVF - starting with the history of IVF, effectiveness and describe different methods of in vitro fertilization. Know what the IVF protocol, which requires the medications IVF procedure at different stages of the process. Know the possibilities of obtaining the quota for free FIV (must not be forgotten that the process of in vitro fertilization is not the cheapest). You can also find out about Infertility Clinics in Delhi and medical centers where infertility treatment using ART and IVF is practiced. All this in detail - down to the smallest details, which will be important for guys if they want to be parents using the method of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
We hope the information provided will help them make the right choice, and give them the opportunity to understand what scheme or program - in vitro fertilization or other methods of infertility treatment - it is suitable for you.