Health Food Restaurants in NYC
- New York City is the home of the Statue of Liberty and restaurants of every stripe.The Statue of Liberty - from the Liberty State Park image by Gary from
New York City is the most densely populated city in the United States. New York City is known as the "Big Apple" and it hosts up to 40 million tourists a year.You can stay busy morning until night seeing historical sites, museums, shopping and live entertainment. There are restaurants for every taste and you will find many health food restaurants to select from, if healthy eating is your choice. - Try the fresh fruit at The Organic Grill.fresh fruit salad image by citylights from
The Organic grill is located in the heart of the East Village. Their food is 99.9 percent clean and organic. They offer a wide variety of organic and macrobiotic dishes at reasonable prices. Their beef is grass fed and the chicken is all natural and hormone free. For a late breakfast treat try their home-made granola with fresh fruit and nuts or a veggie egg white omelet. Vegan quesadillas and mushroom burgers are other selections on the menu. Eat in or take your food out for a picnic in Tompkins Square Park, a block away.
The Organic Grill
123 First Ave.
New Youk, NY 10003
212-477-7177 - Have a smoothie at The Pump Energy Food.Smoothie orange image by Fr??d??ric Massard from
The Pump Energy Food opened its doors in 1997 by Steve and Elena Kapelois. The Pump Energy Food has a long-time reputation of being referred to as the physical fitness restaurant. They serve grass fed beef and natural chicken. All cheese is organic and reduce fat. Enjoy a healthy breakfast burrito or huevos rancheros to start your day. Drop in for a fresh fruit energy drink throughout the day. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week. Lunch and dinner are available on weekends.
The Pump Energy Food
275 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10016
212-697-7867 - Enjoy the fresh veggies at Gustorganics.Fresh Veggie Plate image by John Keith from
Gustorganics uses 100 percent organic ingredients, and is certified by NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC. Start your dining experience with a fresh juice organic cocktail and tomato brushetta or baked mozzarella. Main courses include turkey meatballs, grilled chicken and filet mignon served with your choice of fresh organic vegetables. If you start your day early head over to Gustorganics for a veggie omelet, pancakes or steak and eggs. They are open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
519 Aveneu of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
The Organic Grill
The Pump Energy Food