3 Sure-Fire Ways For Stay at Home Moms to Work & Make Money Online
These days, there are many people looking for ways to make money online, especially stay at home moms who want to work at home and be close to their families.
I've been successfully working at home, making money online since the late 1990's, and believe me, it used to be anything but easy, whether you were a stay at home mom or not.
But things have changed.
Traditionally, to be successful online, you needed desirable products or a service, a professional e-commerce website, and good online marketing skills.
For many people, that's been too daunting a task, so they've never attempted it.
But today, it's easier to work at home and make money, because there are many more online resources to help you.
I've narrowed the field down to 3 proven, sure-fire ways for stay at home moms (or anyone, actually) to make good money online, two of which don't require your own website or products.
Affiliate Marketing: This is one of the easiest and fastest ways for stay at home moms to start making money quickly.
With affiliate marketing, you promote (not sell) other websites' products.
You get commissions when people click on your affiliate links (in online ads you place), go to the product websites you're promoting, and make purchases.
All clicks on your affiliate links that result in sales, give you commissions.
You don't need your own product or website to do this.
To get started, visit one of the many affiliate networks, like ClickBank, Commission Junction or ShareASale, set up your free affiliate account, and choose which products you want to promote.
Then promote those products by placing strategic ads online with your affiliate links in them, so that people click on those ads and go to the product websites to make purchases.
Some of the more effective ways to promote affiliate products (especially without your own website) are with targeted Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, article marketing, press release marketing, free and paid classified ads, social networking sites, just to name a few.
Plus, you can also create a small website, promoting your niche affiliate links through your site.
Affiliate marketing can be extremely lucrative if done properly.
Selling on eBay: Many people, including stay at home moms, have been making Great money online for years, selling products on eBay.
They start out with things in their own home that they want to sell, and when those things sell well, they turn their eBay hobby into a full-blown online money-making business.
eBay offers many online written and audio tutorials for getting started, and strategies for selling your products successfully.
To successfully sell on eBay, it's important to learn all the subtle ins and outs of how to do that.
Besides eBay's help, there are many excellent eBay Success kits and e-books you can buy to put you on the fast track to successful eBay selling.
But Moms - in the beginning, you can definitely make some decent money by looking around your house and finding things to sell.
If you learn how to do it properly, you can make A LOT of money online, selling your products on eBay, while working at home.
Selling Products On Your Own Website (e-Commerce): Though this is not the fastest or cheapest way to make money online, it can be one of the most profitable and personally rewarding ways.
You'll need a product (or products) and a professional e-commerce website.
BUT FIRST, you must know what you want to sell, and make sure it's in a popular niche market.
Also make sure that your niche is not so competitive that it will be difficult for you to break into and make money.
After your market research, you have to create your website with merchant account and credit card authorization gateway.
If you can develop the website yourself, that saves money.
If you don't have that skill and don't want to learn it, there are many web developers that can do it for you.
You can find one, either where you live or by searching online.
After your website goes live, you want to get LOADS of traffic to your site, and there are many ways to do that.
Here are some: Using search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) methods to get high rankings in the search engines, writing press releases, doing article marketing, placing ads in ezines (electronic magazines), and getting reviewed by blogs in your niche market.
GREAT NEWS - I recently found an Amazing, inexpensive online video coaching club that Brilliantly shows Exactly how stay-at-home moms (or anyone) can do any of the online marketing methods mentioned here, and be Successful at them.
The links below reveal the eye-opening details, including Free Online Videos.
I've been successfully working at home, making money online since the late 1990's, and believe me, it used to be anything but easy, whether you were a stay at home mom or not.
But things have changed.
Traditionally, to be successful online, you needed desirable products or a service, a professional e-commerce website, and good online marketing skills.
For many people, that's been too daunting a task, so they've never attempted it.
But today, it's easier to work at home and make money, because there are many more online resources to help you.
I've narrowed the field down to 3 proven, sure-fire ways for stay at home moms (or anyone, actually) to make good money online, two of which don't require your own website or products.
Affiliate Marketing: This is one of the easiest and fastest ways for stay at home moms to start making money quickly.
With affiliate marketing, you promote (not sell) other websites' products.
You get commissions when people click on your affiliate links (in online ads you place), go to the product websites you're promoting, and make purchases.
All clicks on your affiliate links that result in sales, give you commissions.
You don't need your own product or website to do this.
To get started, visit one of the many affiliate networks, like ClickBank, Commission Junction or ShareASale, set up your free affiliate account, and choose which products you want to promote.
Then promote those products by placing strategic ads online with your affiliate links in them, so that people click on those ads and go to the product websites to make purchases.
Some of the more effective ways to promote affiliate products (especially without your own website) are with targeted Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, article marketing, press release marketing, free and paid classified ads, social networking sites, just to name a few.
Plus, you can also create a small website, promoting your niche affiliate links through your site.
Affiliate marketing can be extremely lucrative if done properly.
Selling on eBay: Many people, including stay at home moms, have been making Great money online for years, selling products on eBay.
They start out with things in their own home that they want to sell, and when those things sell well, they turn their eBay hobby into a full-blown online money-making business.
eBay offers many online written and audio tutorials for getting started, and strategies for selling your products successfully.
To successfully sell on eBay, it's important to learn all the subtle ins and outs of how to do that.
Besides eBay's help, there are many excellent eBay Success kits and e-books you can buy to put you on the fast track to successful eBay selling.
But Moms - in the beginning, you can definitely make some decent money by looking around your house and finding things to sell.
If you learn how to do it properly, you can make A LOT of money online, selling your products on eBay, while working at home.
Selling Products On Your Own Website (e-Commerce): Though this is not the fastest or cheapest way to make money online, it can be one of the most profitable and personally rewarding ways.
You'll need a product (or products) and a professional e-commerce website.
BUT FIRST, you must know what you want to sell, and make sure it's in a popular niche market.
Also make sure that your niche is not so competitive that it will be difficult for you to break into and make money.
After your market research, you have to create your website with merchant account and credit card authorization gateway.
If you can develop the website yourself, that saves money.
If you don't have that skill and don't want to learn it, there are many web developers that can do it for you.
You can find one, either where you live or by searching online.
After your website goes live, you want to get LOADS of traffic to your site, and there are many ways to do that.
Here are some: Using search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) methods to get high rankings in the search engines, writing press releases, doing article marketing, placing ads in ezines (electronic magazines), and getting reviewed by blogs in your niche market.
GREAT NEWS - I recently found an Amazing, inexpensive online video coaching club that Brilliantly shows Exactly how stay-at-home moms (or anyone) can do any of the online marketing methods mentioned here, and be Successful at them.
The links below reveal the eye-opening details, including Free Online Videos.